Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

XavierAlexanderMathematician: Recently, Zubin Ghosh made headlines when he was recogn09-May-2021
arjunbirAdvocates insist that health savings accounts are an efficient method08-May-2021
yoshita94guptaIf the product of all the unique positive divisors of n, a positive in07-May-2021
mjalalifMachine A currently takes x hours to complete a certain job. Machine B07-May-2021
enduranceIf #p# = ap^3+ bp – 1 where a and b are constants, and #-5# = 3, what07-May-2021
enduranceIf the product of all the unique positive divisors of n, a positive in07-May-2021
CarcassThe role of GRE Score06-May-2021
aliceeeeCarla has 1/4 more sweaters than cardigans, and 2/5 fewer cardigans06-May-2021
CarcassSkier Lindsey Vonn completes a straight 300-meter downhill run in t se06-May-2021
7379722476Carla has 1/4 more sweaters than cardigans, and 2/5 fewer cardigans06-May-2021
CarcassRe: An internal survey revealed that some employees at Company Y had calle06-May-2021
enduranceA certain bag of gemstones is composed of two-thirds diamonds and one-06-May-2021
enduranceIf x is an integer, then x(x – 1)(x – k) must be evenly divisible by06-May-2021
enduranceMiguel is mixing up a salad dressing. Regardless of the number of06-May-2021
yoshita94guptaWhich of the answer choices properly lists the following in increasing05-May-2021
yoshita94guptaLeila is playing a carnival game in which she is given 4 chances to05-May-2021
yoshita94guptaIf x is an integer, then x(x – 1)(x – k) must be evenly divisible by05-May-2021
yoshita94guptaIf a=(13!^1^6-13!^8)/(13!^8+13!^4) hat is the unit digit of05-May-2021
yoshita94guptax = 10^10 - z, where z is a two-digit integer. If the sum of the digit05-May-2021
arjunbirTwo circles, one with radius 10 inches and the other with radius 405-May-2021
yash239If x and y are integers and 15^x + 15^{(x+1)}/4^y = 15^y what is the04-May-2021
yash239Which of the answer choices properly lists the following in increasing04-May-2021
enduranceIf x and y are integers and 15^x + 15^{(x+1)}/4^y = 15^y what is the04-May-2021
enduranceLake A has a duck population of 30 females and 36 males. Lake B’s duck04-May-2021
enduranceIf a=(13!^1^6-13!^8)/(13!^8+13!^4) hat is the unit digit of04-May-2021
CarcassRe: Calculating hydroelectric plants' environmental impact is not simple.04-May-2021
CarcassRe: GRE Prep Club Members of the Month02-May-2021
YochanEthicist: Studies have documented the capacity of placebos to reduce p01-May-2021
yash239Concerned about various forms of workplace harassment, a city attorney01-May-2021
saifali25Finance Minister: Last year was disastrous for our manufacturing secto30-Apr-2021

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