Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

Chrissynappi99A retail item is offered at a discount of p percent (where p > 10),14-Apr-2021
Akram1711List R contains five numbers that have an average value of 55. If the14-Apr-2021
Chrissynappi99At 8am on Thursday, two workers, A and B, each start working independe12-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: The public intellectual is one who has become elevated to a symbol, a12-Apr-2021
nurakibRe: The public intellectual is one who has become elevated to a symbol, a12-Apr-2021
TyJon1In the figure above, ABCD is a square, and the two diagonal lines divi11-Apr-2021
toantoantoanA convenience store currently stocks 48 bottles of mineral water. The09-Apr-2021
toantoantoanA retail item is offered at a discount of p percent (where p > 10),09-Apr-2021
Shuchi7777Re: Creativity is a frequent element in the mythology, philosophy, or reli09-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaWhen considering the successes and failures of President Lyn09-Apr-2021
CarcassIn the rectangular coordinate system above, if point A (not shown) is09-Apr-2021
toantoantoan1+1/2+1/3+.....+1/16 is08-Apr-2021
toantoantoanIn the rectangular coordinate system above, if point A (not shown) is08-Apr-2021
GR3AHow many integers between 150 and 250, both inclusive, are08-Apr-2021
GR3AFor how many positive integer values of p other than ‘1’, is08-Apr-2021
GR3AWhich of the following integers is NOT a divisor of x if x = (21)(3^7)08-Apr-2021
wannaACEthegreNever formally trained as an artist, Frida Kahlo came to08-Apr-2021
wannaACEthegreFinance Minister: Last year was disastrous for our manufacturing secto08-Apr-2021
shivani96If f(x) = 2x^4 − x^2, what is the value of f(2*3^[1/2])?08-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: In his New York Times blog in August, 2006, Douglas Coupland08-Apr-2021
CarcassRe: Never formally trained as an artist, Frida Kahlo came to08-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaIf x represents the sum of all the positive three-digit numbers that c07-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaMachine A currently takes x hours to complete a certain job. Machine B07-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaTwo wheels are connected via a conveyor belt. The larger wheel has a 407-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaIn the rectangular coordinate system above, if point A (not shown) is07-Apr-2021
Asad49Radiative forcings are changes imposed on the planetary ener06-Apr-2021
Asad49Without ever declaring war, the world has been engaged in a06-Apr-2021
vishvkaneriaThe current kneejerk preference for organic over mechanistic06-Apr-2021
elchinResearchers of prebiotic chemical reactions have been testing the theo06-Apr-2021
cshih10Re: Although there has been great scientific debate for decades over globa05-Apr-2021

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