Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

PranuEvery moral theory developed in the Western tradition purports to tell19-May-2021
CarcassRe: Language acquisition has long been thought of as a process of19-May-2021
CarcassRe: Few great American writers resist classification into eras,19-May-2021
CarcassRe: Few great American writers resist classification into eras,18-May-2021
CarcassFew great American writers resist classification into eras,18-May-2021
godxyzConcerned about various forms of workplace harassment, a city attorney18-May-2021
godxyzThe people of Prohibitionland are considering banning the service of18-May-2021
godxyzThe sequence A is defined by the following relationship:18-May-2021
PranuRe: An internal survey revealed that some employees at Company Y had calle18-May-2021
manju28Microeconomist: Usually, the relationship between the price of a good18-May-2021
manju28For years, the debate over public education reform has centered on18-May-2021
NadiaRegular hexagon ABCDEF has a perimeter of 36. O is the center of the h17-May-2021
CarcassRe: Newtronix, a technology company that sells only one product, recently17-May-2021
PranaygreA family consisting of one mother, one father, two daughters and a son15-May-2021
arjunbirWith the number of dementia patients now at some 26 million12-May-2021
arjunbirThe owner of a small convenience store observed that almost all custom12-May-2021
arjunbirSports psychologist: Competing against other athletes can have a posit12-May-2021
yoshita94guptaFor how many different pairs of positive integers (a, b) can the fract12-May-2021
nafisa1368The sum of all the digits of the positive integer q is equal to the11-May-2021
PranuA certain bag of gemstones is composed of two-thirds diamonds and one-11-May-2021
PranuMiguel is mixing up a salad dressing. Regardless of the number of11-May-2021
PranuCarla has 1/4 more sweaters than cardigans, and 2/5 fewer cardigans11-May-2021
enduranceFor how many different pairs of positive integers (a, b) can the fract11-May-2021
CarcassGreen paint is made by mixing blue paint with yellow paint in a ratio11-May-2021
CarcassA triangle in the xy-coordinate plane has vertices with coordinates (711-May-2021
enduranceIf x and y are positive integers such that x^2 – y^2 = 48, how many11-May-2021
enduranceIf x and y are positive and x^2 * y^2 = 18 – 3xy, then x^2 =?11-May-2021
enduranceGreen paint is made by mixing blue paint with yellow paint in a ratio11-May-2021
arjunbirResearchers of prebiotic chemical reactions have been testing the theo10-May-2021
aayush1408In a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho09-May-2021

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