Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

CarcassRe: Computer programs exist that attempt to generate random numbers, but n08-Mar-2023
CarcassRe: It is no revelation that people prefer immediate rewards. What is less07-Mar-2023
sparkvatta11A set of 25 different integers has a median of 50 and a range of 50. W06-Mar-2023
AyoulyIf the speed of X meters per second is equivalent to the speed of Y ki06-Mar-2023
sparkvatta11List K consists of 12 consecutive integers. If -4 is the least integer04-Mar-2023
CarcassRe: GRE Prep Club Members of the Month04-Mar-2023
MohammzkRe: On Pacific islands, a newly arrived gecko species, the house gecko, is02-Mar-2023
CarcassRe: Two hoses are pouring water into an empty pool. Hose 1 alone would fil02-Mar-2023
CarcassRe: A car travels from Town A to Town B at an average speed of 40 miles pe02-Mar-2023
cbbarua007In the figure, circle O has center O, diameter AB and a radius of 5.02-Mar-2023
eywilsonIf n is a positive integer, then (-2^n)^{-2} + (2^{-n})^2 is equal to01-Mar-2023
HarshitdalalIf the product of all the unique positive divisors of n, a positive in01-Mar-2023
AyoulyIf an integer n is to be selected at random from 1 to 100, inclusive,01-Mar-2023
cbbarua007As a large corporation in a small country, Hachnut wants its managers01-Mar-2023
HarshitdalalIn its heyday, modernism was taught in architecture schools as a moral28-Feb-2023
gredongRe: John has 5 friends who want to ride in his new car that can accommodat27-Feb-2023
gredongRe: A certain company has 18 equally qualified applicants for 4 open posit27-Feb-2023
gredongRe: While working alone at their constant rates computer X can process 24027-Feb-2023
gredongRe: If n is a positive integer and the product of all integers from 1 to n27-Feb-2023
gredongIn the figure, circle O has center O, diameter AB and a radius of 5.27-Feb-2023
eywilsonIn the figure, circle O has center O, diameter AB and a radius of 5.27-Feb-2023
ShabarishThe cosmic microwave background is a uniform 2.7 Kelvin27-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in27-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: When a person is under intense psychological stress, his or her cardio27-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: The country of Baurisia has, until now, been self-sufficient in both g27-Feb-2023
CarcassWhat is the sum of the different positive prime factors of 550?27-Feb-2023
CarcassRe: A bullet train leaves Kyoto for Tokyo traveling 240 miles per hour at27-Feb-2023
cbbarua007It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except25-Feb-2023
gredongWhat is the sum of the different positive prime factors of 550?24-Feb-2023

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