Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

rashmirao13Green paint is made by mixing blue paint with yellow paint in a ratio21-Sep-2022
Hpok12Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In21-Sep-2022
Suresh91Early in the twentieth century, Lake Konfa became very polluted. Recen20-Sep-2022
hj2711In a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho20-Sep-2022
alschwabA rectangular photograph is surrounded by a border that is 1 inch wide19-Sep-2022
alschwabA rectangular-shaped carpet remnant that measures x feet by y feet is19-Sep-2022
himym391Schools expect textbooks to be a valuable source of information for19-Sep-2022
icomicajeetThe traditional treatment of strep infections has been a seven-day cou19-Sep-2022
icomicajeetSome airlines allegedly reduce fares on certain routes to a level at19-Sep-2022
icomicajeetIn the past, every ten-percentage-point increase in cigarette prices i19-Sep-2022
icomicajeetSales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In19-Sep-2022
icomicajeetExcavations of the Roman city of Sepphoris have uncovered numerous det19-Sep-2022
CarcassA rectangular photograph is surrounded by a border that is 1 inch wide19-Sep-2022
CarcassFor any triangle T in the xycoordinate plan, the center of T is defin19-Sep-2022
CarcassThe operation is defined for all nonzero numbers a and b by a b =19-Sep-2022
CarcassIf k is an integer greater than 6, all of the following must be divisi19-Sep-2022
CarcassWhen x is divided by 2, remainder is 1 and y is divided by 8, remainde19-Sep-2022
CarcassA company plans to assign identification numbers to its employees. Eac18-Sep-2022
CarcassOn the number line, the number p is twice as many units from -2 as -218-Sep-2022
CarcassThe variable x takes on integer values between, 1 and 7 inclusive18-Sep-2022
CarcassThe value of (10^8-10^2)/(10^7-10^3) is closest to which of the follow18-Sep-2022
CarcassFrom a group of 21 astronauts that includes 12 people with previous ex18-Sep-2022
rashmirao13Alan’s regular hourly wage is 1.5 times Barney’s regular hourly wage,18-Sep-2022
dmi227Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ti18-Sep-2022
rashmirao13Machine A currently takes x hours to complete a certain job. Machine B18-Sep-2022
rashmirao13In the diagram, what is the value of x?17-Sep-2022
dmi227Research suggests that people who feel protected from a specific type17-Sep-2022
dmi227Industrialists from the country Distopia were accused of promoting the17-Sep-2022
CarcassExcavations of the Roman city of Sepphoris have uncovered numerous det17-Sep-2022

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