Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

RanjeetN11In a certain game, a large bag is filled with blue, green, purple and12-Sep-2022
rashmirao13An electronics store purchased a CD player at a wholesale price of 60$11-Sep-2022
rashmirao13Donald plans to invest x dollars in a savings account that pays intere11-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: If the quotient y/z is negative, which of the following must be true?11-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: If x, y, and z are consecutive positive integers, which of the followi11-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: If p is an integer such that 20 < p < 40 and p has exactly three posit11-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: If j, k, m, and n are consecutive integers and j < k < m < n, then j +11-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: What is the units digit of (11)^3 (29)^4 (43)^2 ?11-Sep-2022
iASindiaTen nominees for three business awards are randomly seated at the 1011-Sep-2022
DevvvvvTwelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods09-Sep-2022
DevvvvvExports of United States wood pulp will rise considerably during this09-Sep-2022
iASindiaThe vertices of a rectangle in the standard (x,y) coordinate place are09-Sep-2022
iASindiaIn the figure above, all the marked angles are some multiple of x09-Sep-2022
Suresh91Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision09-Sep-2022
kashish31As queen of France, Marie Antoinette suffered what were like06-Sep-2022
iASindiaLouie takes out a three-month loan of $1000. The lender charges him 1005-Sep-2022
raghavamyAt a certain photoprocessing shop, the first standard-size print of a05-Sep-2022
r1smithThere is no doubt that Machiavelli’s The Prince was very different04-Sep-2022
Rakshith53Early models of the geography of the metropolis were unicellular: that04-Sep-2022
rashmirao13A math teacher has 30 cards, each of which is in the shape of a geomet04-Sep-2022
rashmirao13In a marketing survey, 60 people were asked to rank three flavors of03-Sep-2022
rashmirao13In a class of 50 students, 20 play Hockey, 15 play Cricket and 11 play03-Sep-2022
CarcassGRE Prep Club Members of the Month03-Sep-2022
pattypatRe: A researcher studying lawyers found that, on average, lawyers took mor02-Sep-2022
superpower101At a picnic there were 3 times as many adults as children and twice as01-Sep-2022
CarcassZooplankton, tiny animals adapted to an existence in the oce31-Aug-2022
shuchiiAdvocates insist that health savings accounts are an efficient method31-Aug-2022
hannesmoisioPumps A, B, and C operate at their respective constant rates. Pumps A30-Aug-2022
hannesmoisioThe surface of a mirror is composed of a rectangular piece that is 9 f30-Aug-2022
hannesmoisioIf x is the product of the integers from 1 to 150, inclusive, and 5^y30-Aug-2022

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