Prep Club for GRE

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PreranaNIn the diagram, what is the value of x?23-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: If Juan takes 11 seconds to run y yards23-Jul-2022
CarcassIf an integer is to be randomly selected from set M above and an integ23-Jul-2022
CarcassWhich of the following triples of numbers have the same standard devia23-Jul-2022
CarcassOn July 1 of last year, total employees at company E was decreased by23-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: The expression [(66 54) ÷ 3 + 10 ÷ 5 (6 22 )] is equal to A. 1423-Jul-2022
PreranaNMiguel is mixing up a salad dressing. Regardless of the number of23-Jul-2022
abcd1122There are two theories that have been used to explain ancient and mode22-Jul-2022
AlifiyaChina as a nation faces two major financial problems. First, eighty22-Jul-2022
AlifiyaThe brain contributes to the adaptive success of animals through the22-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim22-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim22-Jul-2022
aditya5520Re: A researcher studying lawyers found that, on average, lawyers took mor21-Jul-2022
abcd1122Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United Stat21-Jul-2022
abcd1122Traditionally, public school instructors have been compensat21-Jul-2022
abcd1122Recent dental research shows that bacteria around the gum21-Jul-2022
ighumaAlan’s regular hourly wage is 1.5 times Barney’s regular hourly wage,21-Jul-2022
ighumaIn a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho21-Jul-2022
ighumaWhich of the following points could lie in the same quadrant of the xy21-Jul-2022
ighumaAt a certain hospital, 75% of the interns receive fewer than 6 hours o21-Jul-2022
ighumaA certain investment grows at an annual interest rate of 8%, compounde21-Jul-2022
alschwabIf S(n) is the sum of sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, ...n, in terms of n and S(n21-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: A student has taken ten tests, with an average score of 87.20-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: The sum of Amy and Laurens ages is 12. In 9 years, half of Amys age20-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: Which of the following is equivalent to (3? + 4?)(5? 3?)?20-Jul-2022
Carcassa b + b × (b3 a) ÷ b must be equal to A. a (b + b) × (b3 a)20-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: The sum of the mean, mode, median, and range of set N is20-Jul-2022
Vashu15The cosmic microwave background is a uniform 2.7 Kelvin19-Jul-2022
Prakhar1989Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia a19-Jul-2022
ighumaIf m is the square of integer n and m is divisible by 98, m must also19-Jul-2022

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