Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

shritisinghRe: It has been commonly accepted for some time now that certain scenes in23-Oct-2021
moin2260A fair die is rolled once and a fair coin is flipped once. What is the19-Oct-2021
nsa36Which of the following points could lie in the same quadrant of the xy18-Oct-2021
nsa36In a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho18-Oct-2021
nsa36Alan’s regular hourly wage is 1.5 times Barney’s regular hourly wage,18-Oct-2021
nsa36A cylindrical tank of radius R and height H must be redesigned to hold18-Oct-2021
XavierAlexanderA three-digit positive integer is chosen at random. What is the probab18-Oct-2021
nsa36Miguel is mixing up a salad dressing. Regardless of the number of17-Oct-2021
nsa36If n and k are integers and n^2 – kn is even, which of the following m17-Oct-2021
nsa36If x represents the sum of all the positive three-digit numbers that c17-Oct-2021
MKaladiIf x represents the sum of all the positive three-digit numbers that c15-Oct-2021
maheshkotla316If integer k is equal to the sum of all even multiples of 15 between 213-Oct-2021
ScarecrowFor each of the past two years, major department stores have reported13-Oct-2021
surabhipantJohn was flying from San Francisco to New York with a connec12-Oct-2021
surabhipantMuscular strength is a limited resource, and athletic techniques help12-Oct-2021
victiiiiWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.11-Oct-2021
XavierAlexanderA fair die is rolled once and a fair coin is flipped once. What is the10-Oct-2021
shahinuzzamanA team of Swedish scientists recently concluded a fifteen year study08-Oct-2021
manavdoshiAt a certain hospital, 75% of the interns receive fewer than 6 hours o08-Oct-2021
beingcrazysmWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.08-Oct-2021
naman9501In a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho07-Oct-2021
naman9501The shaded region in the figure above represents a rectangular frame07-Oct-2021
manavdoshiA certain investment grows at an annual interest rate of 8%, compounde07-Oct-2021
jagritiLast year the worldwide paper industry used over twice as much fresh05-Oct-2021
manavdoshiWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.05-Oct-2021
jagritiThe impressionist painters expressly disavowed any interest in philoso05-Oct-2021
manavdoshiIn a certain game, a large bag is filled with blue, green, purple and05-Oct-2021
manavdoshiA “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +05-Oct-2021
jagritiAs queen of France, Marie Antoinette suffered what were like05-Oct-2021
nismayilovaWhen the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.04-Oct-2021

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