Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3313 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

VaronosRe: a>b>k>018-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatRe: What is the intersectiοn pοint οf the lines defined by the equatiοns 218-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatRe: If ab < 0, a > b, and a > −b, which of the following must be true?18-Mar-2021
vellabelleThere are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave18-Mar-2021
arslankhan2020There are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave18-Mar-2021
arslankhan2020There are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave18-Mar-2021
AlexandraSum of -30 to m is 9617-Mar-2021
CarcassThe circle at left above is tangent to the x17-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: The ratio of programmers to scientists at a company was 8:5 in the yea17-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: X or Y17-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatABCD is a square inscribed in a circle and arc ADC has a length of17-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatRe: If x × x × x = −27, what is x?17-Mar-2021
amorphousRe: The ratio of programmers to scientists at a company was 8:5 in the yea17-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: What was the quiz score of the student whose score least fit the gener16-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: Which quadrants, if any, dο nοt cοntain any pοints οn the line represe16-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: x^2+5x=616-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: If −2x > −3y, which of the following must be true? A. x/y > 3/2 B. x/16-Mar-2021
CarcassSum of -30 to m is 9616-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatRe: Which quadrants, if any, dο nοt cοntain any pοints οn the line represe16-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatA line is represented by the equatiοn y = zx + 18. If this line inters15-Mar-2021
GeminiHeatRe: A line has the equatiοn y = 3x + 7. At which pοint will this line inte15-Mar-2021
CarcassA line is represented by the equatiοn y = zx + 18. If this line inters15-Mar-2021
CarcassA or B15-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: 2^m=3215-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: In the parallelogram above, which is not a rectangle, AB = 40 and BC =15-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: A company manufactures nails that are meant to be precisely 10 cm long15-Mar-2021
CarcassWhen [m]x[/m] is divided by 10, the remainder is 8. What is the remain14-Mar-2021

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