Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3313 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

avyactjainA terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 108-Aug-2023
abhaykandelA sphere with radius R is broken into two different pieces by cutting05-Aug-2023
abhaykandelA sphere with radius R is broken into two different pieces by cutting05-Aug-2023
Unopened2928Probability that it will rain during the next week is 0.54, and the04-Aug-2023
LamoBear02The cost of gold varies directly as the cube of its weight. A gold pie04-Aug-2023
Khushbushah003Re: Approximately what were the median monthly earnings of someone with a02-Aug-2023
90Degreesn is a positive integer, A = 3n and B = n/331-Jul-2023
aparnasusanThe surface distance between two points on the surface of a cube is29-Jul-2023
aparnasusann is a positive integer, A = 3n and B = n/329-Jul-2023
cbbarua007x is an integer such that, 441 < x^2 ≤ 108928-Jul-2023
riyachanda36A sphere with radius R is broken into two different pieces by cutting26-Jul-2023
abhaykandelPoint (a, b) is a lattice point in xy-plane where, a and b are integer26-Jul-2023
cbbarua007T is defined as the region in the first quadrant satisfying the inequa26-Jul-2023
abhaykandelA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical26-Jul-2023
1995A and B were each paid $D in advance to do a certain job together26-Jul-2023
meenu29A contractor builds an over tank with 3 pipes. First pipe can fill the25-Jul-2023
meenu29Water flows into a reservoir which is 200m long and 150m wide, through25-Jul-2023
meenu29A monkey tries to ascend a greased pole which is 14 m high. He ascends25-Jul-2023
hikapong529How many pairs of natural numbers whose HCF is 12 add up to 216? 6 323-Jul-2023
abhaykandeln is a positive integer, A = 3n and B = n/322-Jul-2023
abhaykandelx is an integer such that, 441 < x^2 ≤ 108922-Jul-2023
wahyudierwinRe: A plumber is twice efficient than his apprentice. After the plumber22-Jul-2023
abhaykandelx/3 is a square of a prime number and 15 < x < 19522-Jul-2023
meenu29ABCDE is a regular pentagon with a point O in between, such that OCD22-Jul-2023
piyush05Re: Point (a, b) is a lattice point in xy-plane where, a and b are integer22-Jul-2023
piyush05Point (a, b) is a lattice point in xy-plane where, a and b are integer22-Jul-2023
meenu29The graph of a quadratic function f(x) passes through (9, 0), (0, 9),20-Jul-2023
meenu29T is defined as the region in the first quadrant satisfying the inequa20-Jul-2023
abhaykandelDifference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of20-Jul-2023
masanu93The surface distance between two points on the surface of a cube is20-Jul-2023

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