Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3313 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

niraj22Type A employees are 100% more productive than type B employees which04-Nov-2023
newgre1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ......... + 2^40 = N02-Nov-2023
SalmanSayeedProbability that it will rain during the next week is 0.54, and the28-Oct-2023
nkneemaTap A can fill a tank in 10 hours, tap B can fill it in 20 hours, and28-Oct-2023
jibankhatrix^2 − 11x + |p| = 0, where x is a variable and p is a constant, has 228-Oct-2023
jibankhatri2^x + 2^y = x^2 + y^2, where x and y are non-negative integers.28-Oct-2023
OhMyJokop1Certain goods were purchased for $450, and one-third were sold at a28-Oct-2023
shivanisharmagreA square board with each side 5 in. is to be cut into pieces26-Oct-2023
shivanisharmagreIn the xy-plane, ABCD is a rectangle inscribed in a circle O with26-Oct-2023
cbbarua007Car A, B, and C participate in a car race. Car A beats car B by 45m,26-Oct-2023
test01Probability that it will rain during the next week is 0.54, and the25-Oct-2023
test01A square board with each side 5 in. is to be cut into pieces25-Oct-2023
test01An equilateral triangle PAB is inscribed inside a square PQRS, forming25-Oct-2023
shivanisharmagreA terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 123-Oct-2023
shivanisharmagreIn a sequence, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is equal to the23-Oct-2023
ramazanovaaIn a certain parking lot, 3% of the cars are towed for parking23-Oct-2023
kkasjalfRe: A fair die is rolled once and a fair coin is flipped once. What is the23-Oct-2023
chikadestinyRe: The outcome of a standardized test is an integer between 15122-Oct-2023
khalidsahinRe: If n and k are integers and n^2 – kn is even, which of the following m22-Oct-2023
hdadisettyA terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 121-Oct-2023
NikchowsN is the number of integers less than 1000 which have no factors21-Oct-2023
Nikchowsn is a positive integer, A = 3n and B = n/320-Oct-2023
NikchowsIn a sequence, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is equal to the20-Oct-2023
NikchowsA certain clock marks every hour by striking a number of times equal20-Oct-2023
DamilareA bag contains 10 bulbs and 5 torches, out of which 3 bulbs and19-Oct-2023
KIDDM020Three fair 6-sided dice are rolled.18-Oct-2023
test01A terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 118-Oct-2023
test01Three fair 6-sided dice are rolled.18-Oct-2023
test01Re: If p is a positive integer and p^3 is divisible by 144, then the large18-Oct-2023
AquoravsRe: A rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere18-Oct-2023

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