Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3314 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

rashmirao13Right triangle ABC is to be constructed in the xy-plane so that the23-Sep-2022
alschwabA motorboat whose speed is 20 Kmph in still water goes 30 km downstrea23-Sep-2022
neena428Re: difference between the number of students with brown hair and23-Sep-2022
pranshi112A terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 123-Sep-2022
rashmirao13Number of distinct four-digit numbers that can be formed VS 56022-Sep-2022
rashmirao13There are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave22-Sep-2022
coteRe: Number of distinct four-digit numbers that can be formed VS 56022-Sep-2022
pranshi112Number of distinct four-digit numbers that can be formed VS 56022-Sep-2022
chaoticenergyA motorboat whose speed is 20 Kmph in still water goes 30 km downstrea22-Sep-2022
alschwabRe: In the first M games of a team's season, the ratio of the team's wins22-Sep-2022
pinkyganatraf(x) = |x 2| + |2.5 x| + |3.6 x|22-Sep-2022
pinkyganatraDifference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of22-Sep-2022
RezaulHasanWater flows into a reservoir which is 200m long and 150m wide, through22-Sep-2022
pranshi112There are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave22-Sep-2022
pranshi112mn or 1422-Sep-2022
superpower101In a 200 member club consisting of men and women, exactly 20% of men20-Sep-2022
SUDIPTA2DAS2GUPTATap A can fill a tank in 10 hours, tap B can fill it in 20 hours, and20-Sep-2022
superpower101x^2 + y^2 - 6x + 8y = 56, What is the area of a circle whose equation19-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: Papas Pizza offers any of up to 2 different toppings on their pies.18-Sep-2022
CarcassRe: the cost of the fifth pair of pants18-Sep-2022
CarcassConsider seven integers; whose range is 80 and median is 240. The medi18-Sep-2022
pranshi112A machine produces nuts at 100 nuts/min and needs to be cleaned after17-Sep-2022
pranshi112Tap A can fill a tank in 10 hours, tap B can fill it in 20 hours, and17-Sep-2022
pranshi112Type A employees are 100% more productive than type B employees which17-Sep-2022
pranshi112Pipe A usually fills a tank in 3 hours. Due to a leak, it takes pipe A17-Sep-2022
neena428Difference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of16-Sep-2022
TiredsoulRe: If the kitchen is square, what is the ratio of the area of t16-Sep-2022
pranshi112In a war, 70% of soldiers lost one eye, 80% an ear, 75% an arm15-Sep-2022
pranshi112In a survey, 60 people were asked to rank three teams: Chelsea, PSG,15-Sep-2022
ash110A rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere15-Sep-2022

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