Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3314 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

delchasCircumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of04-Aug-2022
r1smithx^2 − 11x + |p| = 0, where x is a variable and p is a constant, has 204-Aug-2022
delchasArea of circle inscribed in a triangle03-Aug-2022
deetsbeastA rectangular tank with outer dimensions 8cm x 10cm x 12cm has03-Aug-2022
sujayhegdeb v/s 302-Aug-2022
sujayhegdeRe: x is an integer such that, 441 < x^2 ≤ 108902-Aug-2022
ash0914Re: GRE At Home Quant much harder than any practice paper02-Aug-2022
iASindiaA box contains 3 pairs of blue socks and 2 pairs of green socks.31-Jul-2022
ighumaA rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere30-Jul-2022
ighumaCircumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of30-Jul-2022
dunkelnIn a 10 member club including M, there are 3 posts of: President, Secr30-Jul-2022
alschwabA boatman rows to place 60kms and back in 20 hrs he finds he can row29-Jul-2022
grepreppooA contractor builds an over tank with 3 pipes. First pipe can fill the29-Jul-2022
grepreppooA monkey tries to ascend a greased pole which is 14 m high. He ascends28-Jul-2022
grepreppooTwo trains are moving in the opposite direction on parallel tracks28-Jul-2022
grepreppooA boatman rows to place 60kms and back in 20 hrs he finds he can row28-Jul-2022
grepreppooCircle O has a diameter AB of length 10 cm. Two points P and Q lie on28-Jul-2022
grepreppoox, y, and z are integers such that |x| < |y| < |z| < 40. Also, x + y +27-Jul-2022
coteRe: n is a positive integer between 200 and 500.27-Jul-2022
varun14Area of circle inscribed in a triangle27-Jul-2022
Jacky1111A function, f(x) = 3x^2 - tx + 5 is tangent to x-axis.27-Jul-2022
alschwabA box contains 3 pairs of blue socks and 2 pairs of green socks.25-Jul-2022
jadipasRe: 2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.25-Jul-2022
SivhHarishT is defined as the region in the first quadrant satisfying the inequa25-Jul-2022
pattypatRe: [m]N = m^4n^2p^3[/m]24-Jul-2022
pattypatRe: [m]N = m^4n^2p^3[/m]24-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: W, X, Y and Z are four different positive integers. When X is divided24-Jul-2022
ighumaIn a certain type of tiling called Penrose P3 tiling, two types of rho21-Jul-2022
ighumaA two digit number and a three digit number is formed using digits: 4,21-Jul-2022
ighumaArea of circle inscribed in a triangle20-Jul-2022

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