Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3313 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

malavikam123A box contains 3 pairs of blue socks and 2 pairs of green socks.05-Dec-2022
pattypatA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical05-Dec-2022
pattypatA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical05-Dec-2022
pattypatRe: BD/AB or BC/DC05-Dec-2022
pattypatRe: Length of AB or 405-Dec-2022
pattypatIn the figure above, BD and CE are two diameters of circle05-Dec-2022
Ruchira117A student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical04-Dec-2022
ErfanRe: A terrible disease sweeps around the world, luckily only affecting 103-Dec-2022
Ruchira117Second term in a Geometric Progression is 1000 with common ratio02-Dec-2022
ErfanProbability that it will rain during the next week is 0.54, and the02-Dec-2022
papsychrogmailcomRe: If p is a positive integer and p^3 is divisible by 144, then the large30-Nov-2022
soireaIn the figure above, BD and CE are two diameters of circle30-Nov-2022
rishabhshah13mn or 1430-Nov-2022
rishabhshah13Number of distinct four-digit numbers that can be formed VS 56030-Nov-2022
rishabhshah13There are 12 floors in a building and 10 persons are about to leave30-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: Product of even integers from -2 to 6 inclusive29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: (13!)^16-(13!)^829-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: How many different subsets of the set {10,14,17,24} are there that con29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: A group of people participate in some curriculums, 20 of them practice29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: Length of AB or 429-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: N equals the number of positive 3-digit numbers that contain odd digit29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: The area of a circle is equal to the area of a square29-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: x or 9029-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: 180+a or b+c29-Nov-2022
themadtitanRe: A survey measures the heights of 900 people, which are found28-Nov-2022
factor58Re: Right triangle ABC is to be constructed in the xy-plane so that the28-Nov-2022
MattM715A satellite is composed of 30 modular units, each of which is equipped28-Nov-2022
CarcassA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical28-Nov-2022
CarcassRe: Right triangle ABC is to be constructed in the xy-plane so that the28-Nov-2022
pattypatRe: Right triangle ABC is to be constructed in the xy-plane so that the28-Nov-2022

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