Prep Club for GRE

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KarunMendiratta owns 3314 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

sujayhegdeRe: 2^x + 2^y = x^2 + y^2, where x and y are non-negative integers.19-Jul-2022
gguduIn a class of 33, every student plays at least one game.19-Jul-2022
gguduIn an investigation, it was found that 20% of the employees who are19-Jul-2022
alschwab[m]N = m^4n^2p^3[/m]18-Jul-2022
beautyRe: [m]N = m^4n^2p^3[/m]18-Jul-2022
beautyRe: [m]N = m^4n^2p^3[/m]18-Jul-2022
alschwabRe: A survey measures the heights of 900 people, which are found18-Jul-2022
gguduCar A, B, and C participate in a car race. Car A beats car B by 45m,17-Jul-2022
IsratsaimaRe: Of 70 students taking math, 40 were studying Algebra, 30 were studyin17-Jul-2022
elburcakA rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere16-Jul-2022
elburcakRe: A rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere16-Jul-2022
AceallenxxRe: H is the midpoint of IG16-Jul-2022
rileRe: This year, a woman has a lucrative one-year position. During this year15-Jul-2022
Abiola22A number M is the product of seven negative numbers, and the14-Jul-2022
Prakhar1989What is the least positive integer that is NOT a factor of 25! and is14-Jul-2022
dare90Re: PQ and RS are 2 mutually perpendicular chords intersecting at X. QX =14-Jul-2022
grenoob28In a certain parking lot, 3% of the cars are towed for parking13-Jul-2022
kajalesahil7Set A includes consecutive integers from -10 to 10 (inclusive)12-Jul-2022
AchuTakimA printer numbered consecutively11-Jul-2022
hollatajWhat is the least positive integer that is NOT a factor of 25! and is11-Jul-2022
DAbhilashaIn a dog show of poodles and show-dogs,11-Jul-2022
is34nessRemainder when 25! (factorial) is divided by 10^7 VS 2(10^6)10-Jul-2022
AdewaleRe: 2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.10-Jul-2022
AdewaleRe: Area of circle inscribed in a triangle09-Jul-2022
srivathsabIn a certain parking lot, 3% of the cars are towed for parking09-Jul-2022
srivathsabRe: In a dog show of poodles and show-dogs,09-Jul-2022
srivathsabIn a dog show of poodles and show-dogs,09-Jul-2022
ashu11A contractor builds an over tank with 3 pipes. First pipe can fill the07-Jul-2022
ashu11Water flows into a reservoir which is 200m long and 150m wide, through07-Jul-2022
SivhHarishRe: The number of prime numbers between 0 and 100, inclusive03-Jul-2022

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