Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

KarunMendiratta owns 3313 Kudos, gave away 172 Kudos.

phamngocvangiangIf [m]x + [fraction]1/x[/fraction] = 3[/m], then [m]x^5 + [fraction]1/26-Oct-2024
ChanchalDifference between the smallest and greatest possible integer value of25-Oct-2024
k01010A frog located at (0, 0) makes successive jumps of length 5 units and25-Oct-2024
k01010x is an integer such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 10024-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiang7x^2 has two different prime factors23-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiangx is an integer such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 10023-Oct-2024
avishekray1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ......... + 2^40 = N23-Oct-2024
avishekrayIn a sequence, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is equal to the23-Oct-2024
k01010A customer asked the store manager for a 20% discount on the listed23-Oct-2024
k01010Range of the possible values of x VS 0.523-Oct-2024
k01010In a sequence, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is equal to the22-Oct-2024
k010101 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ......... + 2^40 = N22-Oct-2024
k01010In a dog show of poodles and show-dogs,22-Oct-2024
k01010A person took a total of 7 tests and received 7 different scores, each22-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiangRe: A two digit number and a three digit number is formed using digits: 4,21-Oct-2024
CarcassA bag contains 10 bulbs and 5 torches, out of which 3 bulbs and20-Oct-2024
k01010In a class of 33, every student plays at least one game.20-Oct-2024
k01010In a war, 70% of soldiers lost one eye, 80% an ear, 75% an arm20-Oct-2024
k01010In a survey, 60 people were asked to rank three teams: Chelsea, PSG,20-Oct-2024
k01010(4/10)^{x - 1} = (625/100)^{6x - 5}20-Oct-2024
sub24In a war, 70% of soldiers lost one eye, 80% an ear, 75% an arm19-Oct-2024
k01010A rectangular solid with dimensions X × Y × Z is inscribed in a sphere19-Oct-2024
k01010Circumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of19-Oct-2024
avishekrayCircumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of18-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiangGiven that the sum of all the multiples of 3 from 3 to 99 is t and the18-Oct-2024
kn1234If n = 10^10 and n^n = 10^d, what is the value of d?17-Oct-2024
kn1234Re: In company X, no employee is both a technician and an accoun17-Oct-2024
kn1234Re: A convenience store currently stocks 48 bottles of mineral water. The17-Oct-2024
nancyg644Circumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40ft long and that of14-Oct-2024
nancyg644Set A includes consecutive integers from -10 to 10 (inclusive)14-Oct-2024

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