| Giver | Post | Date |
| Shrutikgre | Re: Since 1980s, American governments have held an unquestioned, | 08-Nov-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | Since savants love difference, they likewise love decent var | 05-Nov-2021 |
| rameshchandra | Re: Remelting old metal cans rather than making primary aluminu | 01-Nov-2021 |
| HITS21 | Re: The Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan is more than just ___________ | 30-Oct-2021 |
| Dilpreet | Re: When it comes to an organism’s internal environment | 28-Oct-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | While there are computer programs that can | 25-Oct-2021 |
| fjfjfj | Re: Hurston‘s famously (i)____ novel is a story of a young black | 24-Oct-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | Sometime during the start of the 19th century, the point at | 23-Oct-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | All imaginative mentorship requires a specific degree | 23-Oct-2021 |
| AbirHasanJoy | Re: When it comes to an organism’s internal environment | 22-Oct-2021 |
| fjfjfj | Re: The style of Didion‘s Blue Nights is, it‘s true, hesitant, r | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | Although many proponents of lie detection desire to engage d | 17-Oct-2021 |
| Jafor | Re: In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human int | 12-Oct-2021 |
| KnightFury71 | Re: Where as the art critic Vasari saw the painting.... | 12-Oct-2021 |
| nonaya6501 | Re: The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpowe | 11-Oct-2021 |
| snigdha04 | Since savants love difference, they likewise love decent var | 11-Oct-2021 |
| VK1066 | Re: Is the literary critic like the poet | 10-Oct-2021 |
| Midhilesh | Re: Aleister Crowley, despite being given to wildly fantastic | 03-Oct-2021 |
| Rikbanerjee2000 | Number theory is rich in problems of an especially (i)------ | 03-Oct-2021 |
| rabbi079 | Re: Noting that few employees showed any ------- for complying | 01-Oct-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | Re: Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi | 01-Oct-2021 |
| Mohit4644 | Re: Compared mathematically to smoking and driving, almost every | 01-Oct-2021 |
| Ujval | Re: Jones: Because he is a superb athlete, Bob is qualified for | 30-Sep-2021 |
| mustafaaldory079 | Re: It was apparent to everyone present that upon receiving the | 29-Sep-2021 |
| rishabhvallecha | Re: Congress please, the stubborn clique of | 19-Sep-2021 |
| koala | Re: Academics, when locking rhetorical horns, can toss off the m | 18-Sep-2021 |
| Abishaik | While there are computer programs that can | 17-Sep-2021 |
| Optimist | Re: In 1977, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was passed for | 17-Sep-2021 |
| ujjwal1997 | Re: Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi | 11-Sep-2021 |
| ujjwal1997 | Re: All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portrai | 11-Sep-2021 |