| Giver | Post | Date |
| tasnim09 | Re: That his intransigence in making decisions no open disagreem | 18-May-2022 |
| gaussbonet | Re: At first, I found her gravity rather intimidating; but, as I | 11-May-2022 |
| IshanPathak | Number theory is rich in problems of an especially (i)------ | 10-May-2022 |
| haris | Re: The style of Didion‘s Blue Nights is, it‘s true, hesitant, r | 01-May-2022 |
| YashZ | Re: Roman historians who study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 ca | 23-Apr-2022 |
| DrakeRamoray | Re: It is a general rule of economics that as the price of an it | 22-Apr-2022 |
| Bhavana123 | Re: When it comes to an organism’s internal environment | 20-Apr-2022 |
| kamalgomi | Although I saw that the features of Ligeia were not of | 19-Apr-2022 |
| tasnim09 | Re: Biologists ___ isolated oceanic island | 23-Mar-2022 |
| kritiAjwani | Re: The real merchants of life, the objects that keep life alive | 22-Mar-2022 |
| kritiAjwani | Re: Among men older than 54, the labor force participation rate | 22-Mar-2022 |
| sukshmapai | Re: At first, I found her gravity rather intimidating; but, as I | 21-Mar-2022 |
| NickOP | Re: Any United States flag manufactured outside the United Stat | 20-Mar-2022 |
| donnijeon | Re: Since 1980s, American governments have held an unquestioned, | 15-Mar-2022 |
| satyajeet | Re: Where as the art critic Vasari saw the painting.... | 10-Mar-2022 |
| satyajeet | Re: Where as the art critic Vasari saw the painting.... | 10-Mar-2022 |
| volcanictempest78 | Re: Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi | 06-Mar-2022 |
| debdatta | Re: In eighteenth-century France and England, r | 03-Mar-2022 |
| akash0698 | Re: Since 1980s, American governments have held an unquestioned, | 01-Mar-2022 |
| Akash04 | Re: All artistic mentorship requires a certain level of de | 14-Feb-2022 |
| tasnim09 | Re: Freud derived psychoanalytic knowledge of childhood indirect | 14-Feb-2022 |
| tasnim09 | Re: The old man could not have been accused of ________ his affe | 13-Feb-2022 |
| Muntasir007 | Re: Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little s | 05-Feb-2022 |
| sangeetabala | Re: Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened in | 03-Feb-2022 |
| NickOP | Re: Sandy has a husband and 2 children. She brings at least 1 me | 31-Jan-2022 |
| shauvik | Although I saw that the features of Ligeia were not of | 29-Jan-2022 |
| Mithun | Re: All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portrai | 29-Jan-2022 |
| as20203 | Researchers have wrecked the old thought that Mozart was | 28-Jan-2022 |
| Mahmood | Re: People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack t | 27-Jan-2022 |
| Yashb99 | Wholly a man of science, with nothing but scorn for any whi | 27-Jan-2022 |