Prep Club for GRE
December 05, 2016

Joined: Dec 05, 2016

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Worth the time and money


Improvement 10 Points

Course Kaplan GRE Prep - Live Online

Location Online

I previously used other materials through the GRE testing company and they only focused on material needed for the test but as much on the strategies to actually take the test. Kaplan was able to supplement my study with online "test me" and "teach me" sections.

You should give yourself more than enough time to get through all the online classes. I would recommend at least a month after the class finishes to review all the study materials you have access to online. After signing up for the class I would try and sign up for the your "real test day" experience because by the time my class had ended there were no dates available for me to take the real life scenario before actually taking the full real test.

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