Tips For Video MBA Essay Questions![]() Worried about being literally on stage? Here are my tips if you need to respond to a question in a short 1-2-minute video. First, realize that these video essays, like the written ones, are attempts to get to know you. Unlike the written word, however, the schools are seeking to see how you present yourself visually and with little time to prepare or polish answers. They are testing articulation and presence in a way that essays can’t and at much less expense than interviews. In that sense, these videos are a pre-interview screening device in addition to a way to learn more about your likes and dislikes, achievements, dreams, goals, and challenges. And while you may not be able to prepare for a specific question, you definitely can and should prepare. You need to practice for the experience of talking to a video camera with no responses from another human being. No body language. No facial expressions. No audience energy. Zero feedback. It’s just a dumb machine. Having created videos for Accepted, I found the experience very unnatural, but I think/hope I’ve gotten better with practice. You can too. Until the questions become known, practice answering different essay questions in the announced time limit and then view the video. Here are a few sample questions to get you started, but I may update this list as we get more information from the schools: • What do you do for fun? If you are really nervous about the video exercise or about speaking in public, consider joining Toastmasters and forcing yourself to speak publicly. You will improve your “presence” and gain confidence. Both will help you with your video interview, any admissions interview, job interviews, and required public speaking. So beyond preparing and simply getting comfortable with the format or anticipated questions, when it comes time for the real thing, do the following: 1. Dress neatly. Follow any dress guidelines the school provides. Women, put on make-up and jewelry lightly. If you wonder if your attire is too revealing, it is. Men, have a hair-cut and shave. Make sure beard or mustache, if you have, are trimmed and neat. 2. It should go without saying, but keep your language clean — no profanity. 3. Think for a few seconds before you reply and then minimize pauses that we tend to fill with “ums” and “uhs.” They don’t contribute to “presence.” 4. If you tend to perspire, put on the air conditioning so the room is cool. 5. Sit up straight and lean a little bit forward. 6. Remember to smile. I put a smiley face next to the camera. And two final points: 1. Schools want to accept students who reflect well on them. If you would like help with your video essay, Accepted’s experienced MBA admissions experts, who have been prepping and critiquing MBA applicants for almost twenty years, are more than happy to help you. Related Resources: • MBA Admissions A-Z: 26 Great Tips [a free guide] |
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