UGH! THOSE @!#$* WORD LIMITS!!!Now, now. Don’t get angry. Deal. First and foremost, focus. And use writing techniques that convey your message and stay within the word limits. What writing techniques are those? Glad you asked! 1. Minimize use of the passive voice. • Passive: Experience A has been complemented by experience B. (8 words) 2. Use active, descriptive verbs. • Blah: I was the one who made the decision… (8 words) 3. Minimize use of the verb “to be” (Please note that I did not say “eliminate.”) • Overuse of “to-be”: She is a skillful negotiator. (5 words) 4. Check whether you need the verb preceding an infinitive. • Surplus words: She was able to fix… (5 words) These few techniques will strengthen your writing, help you stay within those limits, and give you one less reason to curse your applications.
Related Resources: • From Example to Exemplary, free guide Tags: Admissions Consulting, College Admissions, Grad School Admissions, Law School Admissions, MBA Admissions, Medical School Admissions
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