Happy Thanksgiving!

By - Nov 24, 10:30 AM Comments [0]


Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, a national holiday during which we give pause – at least for a brief moment – to count our blessings.

Wherever you are, that is a good exercise.

An attitude of gratitude is worth cultivating throughout the year. I firmly believe it provides benefits from an interpersonal, professional, and even an admissions perspective. Probably the biggest beneficiary, however, of that positive slant on life is the person who holds it year round. This U.S. holiday just gives everyone a chance to focus for one day on this specific quality.

For me personally I feel blessed. Since last Thanksgiving, my family has expanded with the birth of two grandchildren. We enjoy the company of our local children and their families frequently. And we manage to see those children and grandchildren who live elsewhere too. Fortunately, all are healthy and happy. And that is a blessing for which my husband and I are deeply thankful.

As I have done annually for the last few years on Thanksgiving, I want to highlight one of my favorite posts: Admissions Tip: Thanksgiving Appreciation.

And with that, let me wish anyone reading this blog today a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Linda AbrahamBy Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted and co-author of the definitive book on MBA admissions, MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools.

Related Resources:

Accepted’s Podcast: Admissions Straight Talk
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The post Happy Thanksgiving! appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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