Predoc & Premed Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

By - Jan 10, 10:00 AM Comments [0]

Predoc & Premed Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

Often, top medical schools in the U.S. offer predoc and premed summer undergraduate research programs. We’ve compiled an all-you-need-to-know chart that includes admissions requirements, deadlines, financial perks, and much more for top programs. Check out the preview below and then fill out the form to get your copy of the comprehensive chart!

summer undergraduate research programs - get all the info about top programs!

Why do these undergraduate research programs exist?

The purpose of these programs is to expose ambitious, talented college students to graduate-level medical or doctoral research, usually over the course of 6-12 weeks over the summer. These programs generally provide generous stipends, as well as free housing and compensation for travel expenses. Students work closely with faculty members on research, usually resulting in a large, final project that’s presented at the end of the summer term.

Below are some of the top undergraduate premed/predoc research programs in the U.S. But first, a few notes:

  1. Each program awards students a stipend (detailed in the chart), as well as free housing. Some also cover travel costs and provide other subsidies, which are specified below.
  2. Each program requires applicants to submit an online application. See the specific applications for details as the number of essays/personal statements differ per program (generally ranging from one to three essays).
  3. While none of these programs requires students to have a minority or disadvantaged background, nearly all of the programs explain that this background is sought and a plus in the admissions process.

Summer research program highlights

Albert Einstein College
of Medicine
Summer Undergraduate
Research Program
› Current juniors (and exceptional
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Boston University
School of Medicine
Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship (SURF)
› Undergraduate students who are conducting research in the following areas: biology,
molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics
and environmental sciences
› Preference will be given to rising juniors
and seniors, particularly those who are (1)
members of minorities traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, (2) individuals with disabilities, or (3) from institutions
with limited research opportunities.
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Harvard Medical
Summer Honors
Undergraduate Research
› Undergraduates who will not have completed their BA/BS degree by June 2019.
This program is primarily for college
students belonging to groups that are
under-represented in the sciences.
› Students with at least one summer (or
equivalent term-time) of experience in a
research laboratory
› Students who have taken at least one
upper-level biology course that includes
molecular biology
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship
› Current sophomores and juniors
› International students are welcome if they
are currently attending a U.S. college or
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Summer Undergraduate
Research Program
› Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors (domestic or international)
Mount Sinai School of
Summer Undergraduate
Research Program
› Current sophomores and juniors enrolled
in a U.S. institution
New York University
School of Medicine
Summer Undergraduate
Research Program
› Current sophomores and juniors
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Summer Research
Opportunity Program
› Current sophmores or juniors
› Students who identify as under-represented
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› Students interested in pursuing a PhD at
Northwestern University (Those interested
in pursuing an MBA, JD, or MD are not
Stanford University
School of Medicine
› Current sophomores, juniors, and
non-graduating seniors enrolled in accredited 4-year colleges or universities in the
U.S., Puerto Rico, or other U.S. territories
who may wish to pursue a PhD
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
UMass Medical School Summer Undergraduate
Research Opportunity
› Undergraduates who are at least 18
years old (College seniors who will have
graduated by the start of the program are
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
University of California,
Los Angeles
Summer Program for
Undergraduate Research -
Life and Biomedical Sciences
› Students who intend to pursue a PhD or
MD/PhD in a bioscience field
› U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents
› Non-UCLA students
University of California,
San Francisco
Summer Research Program › Current undergraduate students who
have completed at least 4 semesters or
6 quarters of undergraduate study (Students who will have earned their bachelor's degree by the start of the program are
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› Students who intend to pursue a PhD in
one of the disciplines offered by the UCSF
Graduate Division in life/health sciences
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Experience in Research
› Current juniors and seniors
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› Must have health insurance
University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity
› Current sophomores and juniors (NOT
at U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
› U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or
non-U.S. citizens with DACA
› Students interested in pursuing a
graduate degree in one of the Rackham
graduate programs. Students should have
an interest in academic research and/or
teaching as a career.
› Must have health insurance
› Applicants must also meet one of
the following criteria: (1) Come from a
background that is underrepresented in
graduate study in their discipline in the
U.S. (2) Have demonstrated efforts to
reduce disparities or improve race relations
(3) Come from families that have experienced economic hardship or (4) Are first
generation U.S. citizens or the first in their
families to graduate from college.
University of
Summer Undergraduate
Internship Program (SUIP)
› Current undergrads, mainly sophomores
and juniors (Students completing their
freshman year are occasionally admitted.)
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› Preference given to minorities and disadvantaged students, as well as those with
disabilities and those from small colleges
University of Virginia
School of Medicine
Summer Research Internship
› Current college undergraduate students
or recent college graduates enrolled in
postbac or masters programs with the aim
of transitioning to a PhD
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› The program targets (but is not limited
to) racially and ethnically diverse students
Weill Cornell/
Gateways to The Laboratory
Summer Program
› Current freshmen or sophomores
› U.S. citizens or permanent residents
› Students wishing to pursue an MD/PhD
› Students who are (1) from racial or
ethnic backgrounds that are under-represented in biomedical research, (2) from
socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, or (3) individuals with disabilities
› Alumni of this program may apply for a
second summer in the program

Get all the info in one convenient chart!

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Related Resources:

Med School Action Plan: 6 Steps to Acceptance, a free guide
How to Write About Your Research Interests
5 Tips For Aspiring Premed Researchers

The post Predoc & Premed Summer Undergraduate Research Programs appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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