The Ultimate Guide to FAFSA and Paying For College![]() While there isn’t much good news when it comes to college tuition costs, there is one bright spot: you probably won’t have to pay the sticker price. Almost all U.S. residents (and some international students) qualify for some form of aid, whether it’s through a federal grant, merit scholarship, or financial aid given out by individual colleges. All of it begins with FAFSA. Maybe you’re not sure where to start with FAFSA, or if it’s even worth your time in the first place? (HINT: It is!) Here’s everything you need to know. How to fill out FAFSAWhat does FAFSA stand for?It stands for “Free Application for Federal Student Aid”. The FAFSA is your one-stop-shop for all forms of financial aid—aid from the universities or colleges you wish to attend, aid from your state government and aid from federal programs. On your FAFSA form, you will list the colleges you are applying to, and once you’ve filled out the FAFSA forms, the information on that form is submitted both to your state’s higher education department and to those schools, and both will work to determine what kind of aid you qualify for. Your individual schools may require more information from you for university scholarships, so make sure you are also checking in with the financial aid offices at the schools you wish to attend. Who should fill out a FAFSA?Everyone. Period. Many wealthy and even middle-class families forgo filing a FAFSA because they heard that only students from families that earn less than $50,000 receive federal grants. However, there are several reasons why everyone should fill one out. First of all, college is SO expensive these days that it has become a burden on families of various socio-economic strata. Second, many financial aid programs, even the ones that award scholarships and grants regardless of family income, require a completed FAFSA. Finally, filing a FAFSA can sometimes give students a competitive edge in the admissions process. Admissions committees know that students in need (or hopes) of aid who have not filled out a FAFSA are less likely to enroll, so they might not send you an acceptance letter if they’re skeptical that you will even attend. When does FAFSA open?The FASFA goes live on October 1, and you should get started as soon as you can to make sure that you meet deadlines for early scholarships. How long does the FAFSA take to fill out?The FAFSA should take you less than an hour to fill out. You will need the tax returns your parents filed two years before you apply for school. You can use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, which will automatically migrate the tax return info into your FAFSA. How do I get an FSA ID Log In?Creating an FSA ID is easy. To do so, students (and at least one of their parents) should go to fsaid.ed.gov to create a user ID and password. Both will need to provide their respective Social Security Numbers (or alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen) dates of birth, and names as they appear on official documents. or alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen. Students under the age of 24 will need their parents to also get an ID, and the student and parent will need separate email accounts to do so. (An FSA ID can be created without an email account. But trust us. In the event that you forget your FSA ID password, it will be easier if you have an email address.) Since there is a verification period of 1-3 days, we recommend creating an ID as soon as possible since it will serve as your legal signature on your FAFSA, which you will want to submit sooner than later. Do I need to include both my parents?Yes, if you’re a dependent. Most students are considered dependent, even if their parents are not able to provide financial support to them for their college education. Students who are considered independent are those whose parents are deceased, who have been in foster care since the age of 13, are married, have dependents of their own, or have served in the armed forces. That excludes most undergraduate applicants. Is FAFSA first come first serve?Each state has their own deadline (most of which are much earlier than June 30, the final deadline), and several, such as Illinois and Washington, award aid on a “first-come, first serve” basis. Each college also has their own FAFSA deadline, which should be met, as well. It is important to know your state and school deadlines so that you’re not left scrambling or missing out on potential aid. At the same time, families shouldn’t stress out too much if they’re late because need-based grants and loans can be received retroactively, as long as the form is submitted by the FINAL deadline, June 30. However, waiting this long will mean missing out on scholarships and aid from organizations with much stricter deadlines. Procrastinating in this case could actually cost you thousands of dollars! Especially considering that the application process has been streamlined this year, we recommend submitting by December, which will increase your odds of winning scholarships from state agencies, schools and foundations. How long does FAFSA take to process once submitted?You can check the status of your FAFSA application using your online login, but keep in mind that the process of determining whether you qualify for aid and for how much will take time. The first feedback you’ll receive is a Student Aid Report—essentially a summary of the information you submitted on your FAFSA form—anywhere from three days to three weeks after you submit. This is not a decision, simply a record; make sure you check the accuracy of the information that form, and correct any mistakes or misrepresentations. You may then be informed that you’ve been selected for “verification,” and while this might sound like an accusation, many schools select student FAFSAs to verify at random, or simply verify all the FAFSAs they receive. This will mean that you need to gather additional documentation to support what you have reported on your FAFSA.Finally, you will receive an award letter from college admissions, informing you of how much aid you qualify for, and in what form. The timing of this information varies widely and is difficult to predict, putting many students in a frustrating predicament of needing to confirm their spot at a school before they are sure how much aid they will receive at that institution. Some schools send award letters in the winter, only a few months after FAFSA has been released for the following academic year, and some wait as long as right before term starts. Your decision about where to attend school will likely have to be based on some combination of incomplete information—make sure you understand your own priorities when it comes to your preferred college and the amount of financial aid you will receive. Types of Federal AidThe federal government began offering money to students who demonstrated financial need way back in 1965. These days, they dispense more than $120 billion annually to approximately 13 million students. That aid comes in three forms—grants, loans, and work-study. GrantsFederal student aid grants are exactly what they sound like—money given to students to enable them to pursue their post-secondary education or career study programs. Grants do not need to be paid back—this is free money given based on financial need. So, if you are planning to attend a college or university in the U.S., and you go through the federal application process for student aid (which we’ll discuss in more detail below), and can demonstrate that you fall into a certain category of need, you will be granted a sum of money to put towards your tuition fees. There are four categories of grants you might qualify for:
LoansIf you exceed the maximum income level to qualify you for a grant, you may still qualify to receive a federal student loan. Yes, that means you’ll have to pay it back, however, these loans come at a low, fixed interest rate, and you aren’t going to get a better deal elsewhere. If you qualify, you will be receiving what is known as a Direct Subsidized Loan, which means that the U.S. Department of Education will pay the interest on your loan while you are in school, for six months after you graduate (a grace period), and if you are in a deferment period. If you don’t qualify for a grant or a subsidized loan based on your income level, you can still access a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, available to any undergraduate or graduate student. The main difference here is that you won’t receive the same kind of help from the Department of Education as those who demonstrate financial need will—you will be responsible for paying the interest on your loan during your schooling and after, and during any deferment you make on the loan, the interest will accrue and be added to the total amount you owe. Work-studyThe final avenue through which the U.S. government might help with your college fees is through the Federal Work-Study program. This program offers part-time jobs while you are enrolled in school, allowing you to earn a wage to cover some of your costs while gaining your education. This program is available to undergraduate or graduate students, and to full- or part-time students. Your job may be on- or off-campus, for the school, or for a local non-profit, public agency or corporation, and what you earn will depend on your qualifications. Typically, an undergraduate student will be paid by the hour, and a graduate student may be paid by the hour or salaried, depending on the work and their qualifications. The catch here is that you cannot earn more than the amount granted by the Federal work-study program—so you can’t take on additional hours to make some dough for that trip to Vegas with your buddies. However, this is a great program to help you earn while you study, and gain work experience simultaneously. Other ways to pay for collegeIf going through the FAFSA process doesn’t yield the results you’d hoped for, there are countless other ways to pay for college. As mentioned above, the U.S. Department of Education does make student loans available to all undergraduate or graduate students regardless of need under standard terms. This money can be had at some of the lowest interest rates around, so consider it seriously. Of course, there are plenty of private market options as well—from banks to specialized lenders, but be careful with private loans, make sure you understand the terms and have read the fine print. This is where your parents or some other adult with a lifetime’s worth of financial acumen should be consulted. Finally, there are scholarships that range from pocket change (on the scale of college tuition) to a full free ride. Make sure you do your research (the above-mentioned federal student aid website is a great place to start) into what scholarships are on offer from your school, your state, or even your local municipality. There are often specialized scholarships based on your identity, background, or career interests that can make a huge difference when it comes to paying your education bills. Financial aid can seem like a daunting hurdle at the outset, but in reality, it is a relatively straightforward process that millions of students navigate every year. Start early, involve your parents, and make sure you research and explore every avenue—you will be glad you did when you get your first tuition bill! The post The Ultimate Guide to FAFSA and Paying For College appeared first on Admissionado. |
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