Applying to College – 6-Second Advice from 7 ExpertsWe asked seven of our college application experts for a six-second piece of advice on applying to college. They cover everything from writing your college application essay to general tips to get organized.(Hover over the video clips and click the volume button for sound!) Stephen Black – Harvard“Recapping your achievements? BAD. Writing with emotional honesty and a point of view? GOOD!” Stephen speaks the truth (and if you want to hear more from him, check out his College Admissions Podcast) Your personal statement is one of the most important components of your application, and there’s a lot to think about – from picking the right question to answer to showcasing your accomplishments. It’s your chance to show your individuality and personality – so what do you write about? Check out our guide the application essay here. Tanja Manners – Brown“DON’T PROCRASTINATE!” Tanja knows how to get stuff done (when she’s not napping on the Admissionado couch). For a lot of students, the hardest part about applying to college is simply getting started. The process can seem overwhelming, and frankly, there’s a lot of moving parts. But starting early is one of the BEST things you can do to get ahead. Michael Cadiz – Columbia“Stay calm, cool, and collected.” Just like Tanja, Michael’s got a cool head on his shoulders. This goes out to students AND parents. Applying to college is stressful for EVERYONE involved. Getting this stress under control means keeping the lines of communication open and the applications organized. Joey Fritz – Amherst“You’re great! We know it, you know it, but you need to make sure the admissions officers know it. So be confident in your application.” Confidence is key in applying to college. We don’t just mean exuding confidence in your personal statement and interview (though that’s VERY important), but also tackling the application head on. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t diminish your accomplishments. Whether your stories are exciting or mundane, it’s all about how you PRESENT them, so present them with confidence. Mat Kelley – Brown“Take the time to get to know your teachers.” Ah the recommendations. Recommendations are SO important, and they can be the thing that gets you off the maybe list and into the admit pile. Choose your recommenders carefully, ask them early, and always follow-up! It’s your responsibility to get those recommendations in on time. Alec Piñero – Harvard“You took your TOEFL? Great. You took your SAT? Great. Start thinking about your personal statement.” When you break down applying to college to a step-by-step process, it’s a lot easier to digest. Take your tests. Do your school research. Start your applications. Check out our timeline here. Katie Hill – Brown“When writing your essays, make sure you think about what qualities you want to show the adcom. This will help make sure that you pick the story that’s best for you.” Choosing your best stories will help you tackle any prompt the application throws at you. We break down ALL the Common App prompts in our analysis here. Want to talk to one of these guys? Interested in what they have to say? Click to sign up for a free chat with one of our mentors. The post Applying to College – 6-Second Advice from 7 Experts appeared first on Admissionado. |
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