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Stanford MSx Application Essay Tips & Deadlines [2022 – 2023]

By - Jul 21, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

The relatively complex MSx online application and your resume (and ideally your recommendations as well) will establish you as a leader in your organization (and possibly even your domain), and that leadership role is essential if you want to be a qualified MSx applicant. But it’s...

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Accepted’s Price Rollback Helps Ease Inflation Pain

By - Jul 15, 09:20 AM   Comments [0]

Runaway inflation is causing a lot of economic pain right now. Understandably, most people are watching their spending as carefully as possible. Here at Accepted, we can’t cure the sticker shock at the gas station or the grocery store but we are doing our part...

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Empowering International Students with the Financing for Grad Ed

By - Jun 21, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

How can an international student pay for grad school in the U.S. or Canadian graduate education? [Show Summary] MPOWER Financing has changed the graduate education financing industry by offering international students loans with no collateral or co-signer requirement. Sasha Ramani, the Associate Director of Corporate Strategy...

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Writing About Your Experiences Abroad

By - Jun 9, 09:20 AM   Comments [0]

You studied, worked, or volunteered abroad. Now you want to include part of this in your personal statement as part of an undergrad, AMCAS or other application. Maybe you want to show that you’ve experienced a different culture and expanded your perspective through your eye-opening...

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How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose

By - Jun 7, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

How to Write a Statement of Purpose That Gets You Accepted [Show Summary] Vanessa Febo is a PhD candidate in English Literature at UCLA and a writing instructor who has guided students to acceptance at top programs at Harvard, Stanford, and USC. In this episode, she...

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10 Tips for Better Essay Writing

By - Jun 3, 09:20 AM   Comments [0]

Let’s take your writing up a notch–or two!  Ready to up your game in the writing department? Since you’re probably eager to show the adcom that you’ve got the “write” stuff and can relate your significant experiences and insightful ideas eloquently, these 10 tips are for...

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How to Pick an Undergraduate Major: 14 Important Considerations

By - Jun 2, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Choosing your undergraduate major is a big decision. Before you settle on one, consider these suggestions to help you identify the right choice for your personality, skills, and aptitudes:  Enroll in a variety of courses in different areas to see what really engages you–even courses in...

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When Should I Plan to Apply to Grad School? NOW!!!

By - Jun 1, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Where we’re at: Right now, if I walk down the street almost anywhere in the United States, I will see “Help Wanted” signs in the windows, on Amazon trucks, and almost everywhere. The United States is experiencing a labour shortage and one of the tightest labour...

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7 Simple Steps to Writing an Excellent Diversity Essay

By - May 9, 09:20 AM   Comments [0]

What is the diversity question in a school application, and more importantly, why does it matter when applying to leading programs and universities? A diversity essay is an essay that encourages applicants with minority backgrounds, unusual education, distinctive experience, or unique family histories to write about...

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Insider Tips on Applying to PsyD Programs

By - Apr 11, 09:20 AM   Comments [0]

You need only to poll other prospective applicants to realize that applying to a PsyD degree program cannot be “boiled” down to a simple formula or fit together like a perfectly constructed puzzle. The equation may not balance out and one puzzle piece may not...

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