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Last Chance to Save During Our Price Rollback

By - Jul 20, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Feeling stressed? We don’t blame you! Getting into a top school is no easy task. The competition is fierce, and your application needs to be polished, persuasive – practically perfect – if you hope to have a shot at acceptance. But you don’t have to...

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We’re Rolling Back Prices for One Week Only!

By - Jul 15, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Ahhh, ye olden days of 2017 — a time when fidget spinners became a worldwide craze, The Last Jedi introduced us to porgs, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle charmed the world with their engagement. We’re feeling a little nostalgic…and we want to put these...

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PhD Program Selection: Does School Ranking Matter?

By - Jul 10, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

Because tenure-track jobs are scarce, selecting the right PhD program is an extremely important decision that can have a dramatic impact on your future career. When it comes to making this important choice, many students often rely on school rankings to determine which PhD program...

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First Drafts of Personal Statements: Let Yourself Go

By - Jul 5, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Writing the first draft of your personal statement is probably the hardest part of the whole application process. And it makes sense – it’s not easy to capture so much of your experience onto a single page. Transforming your first draft from just OK to simply...

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Applying to Med School During COVID-19

By - Jun 30, 10:25 AM   Comments [0]

What unique challenges can this year’s med school applicants expect to face, and how can they be overcome? [Show summary] Dr. Herman “Flash” Gordon, Accepted medical admissions consultant, walks med school applicants through applying during COVID-19, as well as disclosing thorny issues like academic discipline or...

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How to Be a Competitive PhD Applicant and Apply to the Best Programs for You

By - Jun 29, 13:25 PM   Comments [0]

What are your goals? If you’re considering applying for admission to a PhD program, you should start thinking about where you want to apply. Your criteria for selecting target programs will depend on your goals and circumstances, but here are a few things to think about. Getting...

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Considering Graduate School? First, Figure Out Your Ideal Career Path.

By - Jun 23, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

The coronavirus pandemic has created a tough job landscape, but it has also created an opportunity for career “rethinking” as well. Many people are considering pivots and turning towards skill development and learning opportunities like graduate school. But how do you decide what’s next? How...

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4 Tips for Securing Effective Recommendation Letters for PhD Admissions at Top Programs

By - Jun 19, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

Letters of recommendation are one the most important components of your doctoral program application. In fact, they can often make or break your candidature; for example, an outstanding letter of recommendation can make up for a low GRE score, while a lukewarm letter that reads...

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How to Prepare for a PA School Interview

By - Jun 17, 10:50 AM   Comments [0]

Physician Assistant program interviews are similar to medical school interviews. There are three possible interview formats: traditional, MMI (multiple mini interview) or a hybrid of these two. Traditional interviews involve any combination of students and interviewers, with up to 3 students being interviewed by up...

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Finding Volunteer Opportunities for Pre-Meds Despite COVID-19

By - Jun 16, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

Can students make a difference during the current pandemic? [Show summary] Jalen Benson, founder of the National Student Response Network and first-year med student at Harvard, discusses what health care volunteer opportunities are out there and how to find them during the Coronavirus outbreak. Listen in. Finding...

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