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The Secret to MA/MS and PhD Admissions: Contacting Potential Advisors

By - Jul 18, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

As admissions consultants, we talk a lot about writing great statements of purpose, putting together an impressive curriculum vitae (CV), and approaching potential recommenders. However, we don’t always discuss what sort of contact applicants should try to make with potential advisors and professors at their...

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Want to Study Data Analytics But Don’t Have Relevant Experience or a Quantitative Degree?

By - Jul 17, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

In my experience guiding applicants to data and business analytics programs, I have often encountered applicants who really want to get into data but have little to no experience in the field. Others might have some experience, but lack the quantitative background that is preferred...

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Heads Up: Price Increase Ahead!

By - Jul 17, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

We wanted to give you a head’s up that we’ll be increasing our prices August 1, which means that you have until Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 11:59pm PT to lock in a service at our current rate. Browse our catalog of services today to...

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Harvard Kennedy School: An interview with Admissions Director Matt Clemons

By - Jul 16, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Interview with Matt Clemons, Director of Admissions for the Harvard Kennedy School of Government [Show Summary] Matt Clemons is the Director of Admissions for the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and he shares what the school is looking for in its applicants, what to expect while...

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Seeking Employment with Your New PhD

By - Jul 15, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

Congratulations! You’ve worked hard and are now the proud holder of a PhD. Now what? In today’s job market, PhDs are hired not only as professors, but also as: Researchers in STEM fields, plus many other academic and non-academic areas Directors of nonprofits or government agencies A wide array...

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Acing the PsyD Interview: The 3-P Plan

By - Jul 15, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Congratulations! You have successfully made the “cut.” You are among the select few PsyD applicants who are in serious consideration for acceptance. In fact, your odds for acceptance have increased. This is NOT, however, the time to sit back and relax. Now, more than ever, you...

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Using Your Online Calendar to Manage Scholarship Hunts and Deadlines

By - Jul 14, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

When I work with clients to develop strategies for applying to multiple scholarships, my ultimate goal is to help these individuals integrate application processes into their everyday lives. Given the cost of attendance to United States graduate programs, it will take several applications and consistent...

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What Does it Mean to Be an Occupational Therapist?

By - Jul 11, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

Learn how real students navigate their way through the graduate school admissions process and grad school itself with our What is Graduate School Really Like? series. Meet Shannen, an occupational therapist Shannen, thank you for sharing your story with us! Can you start by telling us about yourself...

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Data Analytics Master’s Programs: What Do They Want in Applicants?

By - Jul 11, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

In the last five years, and driven by the tremendous growth of data gathered by companies and institutions across all industries, we have experienced a sharp rise in demand for data analytics jobs, and with that, the birth and expansion of master’s programs in data...

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Scholarship Seekers

By - Jul 10, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

In my four years at the UCLA Scholarship Resource Center (SRC), I must have given my introductory workshop about how to perform effective scholarship searches online to thousands of parents, students, and prospective students. Every time that I picked up the phone, gave campus presentations,...

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