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Flaws Make You Real

By - Aug 1, 13:30 PM   Comments [0]

A speaker recently told a story about traveling in Asia where he saw a stunning emerald. Enchanted by the stone’s beauty, he decided to buy it. On the spot. He returned home and took the emerald to a jeweler for appraisal. The jeweler began to examine...

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The Miraculous 15-Minute ROUGH, ROUGH Draft

By - Jul 28, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Having trouble getting those first few words and sentences of your application essay up on your computer screen? Don’t fret – even the most accomplished novelists or famous journalists have a tough time getting started. Tempted to get up and do something – anything! – else...

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Writing About Overcoming Obstacles in Your Application Essays

By - Jul 21, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

What does the adcom actually want to know about the challenges you’ve overcome? In this short video, Linda Abraham shares the answer to this often-asked question: Do you have questions about addressing obstacles you’ve overcome in your application essays? Leave a comment below and we’d love...

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Can You Get Into a Top Grad School if You Didn’t Attend a Top University?

By - Jul 20, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Abhishek from India recently asked on our blog what Indian applicants who graduated from undergraduate programs not among the elite Indian IIT’s can do to gain acceptance to the top global MBA programs. While Abhishek was particularly focused on Indian MBA aspirants, this question applies...

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Common Grammatical Errors: How to Use “Leverage” & “Comprise” Properly

By - Jul 14, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Non-native English speakers (and some native English speakers) frequently make some easily avoidable mistakes. Even if you have excellent English there are sometimes words that get lost among misused prepositions. Here are some tips to help applicants improve their use of two words that are...

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Standing Out By Showing You Have a Unique Perspective [Fitting in & Standing Out]

By - Jul 13, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

The application process is a tricky balancing act: You want to show your target schools that you’re a perfect match, but you don’t want to blend into the multitude of applicants or become just a number. How can you show your authentic self in the...

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Welcome to the Team, J. Scott Brownlee!

By - Jul 9, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

We’re excited to welcome Scott Brownlee to our staff. Scott is an admissions expert with two master’s degrees himself, a Masters in Library Science and a Masters in Fine Arts. He has 10 years of experience working directly with college and grad school applicants and...

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Your Goals [Fitting In & Standing Out]

By - Jul 6, 09:30 AM   Comments [0]

The application process is a tricky balancing act: You want to show your target schools that you’re a perfect match, but you don’t want to blend into the multitude of applicants or become just a number. How can you show your authentic self in the...

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Happy 4th of July!

By - Jul 4, 09:10 AM   Comments [0]


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The School’s Culture & Mission [Fitting In & Standing Out]

By - Jun 29, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

The application process is a tricky balancing act: You want to show your target schools that you’re a perfect match, but you don’t want to blend into the multitude of applicants or become just a number. How can you show your authentic self in the...

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