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Will Your Graduate Education Pay?

By - Mar 1, 10:30 AM   Comments [0]

Saving money on your student loans, ranking grad programs based on salary-to-debt ratios, plus life as a Columbia Business School grad. All in today’s show. Today’s guest, Amanda Wood, graduated from Vassar College in 2009 with a degree in social psychology and economics. After graduation, she...

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What’s Life Like as a Darden MBA and Entrepreneur?

By - Feb 22, 10:00 AM   Comments [0]

Our guests today are both 2nd year MBA students at Darden who founded their start-up at the beginning of their MBA program. We’ll learn more in a minute, but a little background first. Maximilian Huc graduated from Princeton in 2013 with a BA in sociology....

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Do I Really Need a Mock Admissions Interview? [Short Video]

By - Feb 21, 10:30 AM   Comments [0]

Just how important is a mock interview if you have a graduate school admissions interview coming up? Listen to Linda Abraham’s 2-minute answer to this often-asked question. ...

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“What Next….” Is Graduate School For You?

By - Feb 21, 10:15 AM   Comments [0]

I was grading midterm exams in my office one frigid day in March when I was surprised to see Marco, a former student, standing in my doorway. He had that all too familiar “deer in headlights” look on his face. I invited him to step...

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What Should I Write About? Making a Difference

By - Feb 19, 10:15 AM   Comments [0]

In my non-admissions life, I once went to a lecture given by a biographer whose work I admire. In the course of his talk he mentioned that while writing about genius has merit, writing about typical folks and their extraordinary achievements is more valuable. The...

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Different Dimensions of Diversity

By - Feb 15, 10:15 AM   Comments [0]

In reviewing our stats for last year, I noticed that one of our most visited pages is an article on writing about diversity. That’s not shocking since Accepted’s consultants are frequently asked by stressed, panicked clients from well-represented groups in the applicant pool, “How can...

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When is it Worthwhile to Retake the GRE?

By - Feb 10, 10:30 AM   Comments [0]

After your “big day” when you take the GRE, you may have doubts. Could you have done better? Should you go back and try to do better? If you’re considering a GRE retake, think about the time and expense of taking the exam a second time....

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Two Grad School Applicants Walk Into a Bar…

By - Feb 8, 10:15 AM   Comments [0]

This might be a great opening line for a comedy night at a university student center, but can you use humor in a graduate school application essay? Should you even try? If You Have a Funny Bone, Use It The answer is…maybe. If you can use humor effectively,...

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When Global Business is the Goal

By - Feb 8, 10:00 AM   Comments [0]

Before we introduce today’s guest I want to invite you to our newest webinar, Get Accepted to INSEAD, which will be held on Feb 15 at 10 AM PT/1 pm ET/ 6 PM CET.  This is the latest addition to our “Get Accepted to” webinar...

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Making Friends With the GRE: How To Overcome Test Anxiety and Perform at Your Best

By - Jan 27, 10:00 AM   Comments [0]

“I can’t stop trembling….can’t eat….cry for little or no reason….I am so nervous.” All of this from Janelle, a prospective graduate student on her response to scheduling a GRE test date. I was not surprised that Janelle was nervous as almost all prospective graduate students...

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