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Personal Statement Tip: Less is More

By - Aug 19, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Most of us have heard the saying “less is more,” but how many of us put it into practice when it counts? Your application essays are the perfect forum for reaping the benefits of this deceptively simple principle. First, what does “less is more” really mean? It’s...

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Harvard Kennedy School – Where the Bottom Line is Making a Difference to Society

By - Aug 17, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Today’s guest is Matt Clemons, Director of Admissions at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He’s joining us to discuss the programs HKS offers and what it takes to get accepted. Welcome, Matt! Can you give us an overview of the MPP program? [1:25] The MPP is the largest...

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Attention International Students: TOEFL to Offer Free Online Course

By - Aug 16, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

International students planning to study at an English language institution or university, candidates for scholarships or professional certification, English language learners who want to follow their progress, and students or workers applying for visas in certain countries can now take advantage of a free online...

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Add Detail to Your Social Enterprise/Community Service Goals

By - Aug 15, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Whether you’re applying for an MBA, a PhD in Public Policy (or many other doctoral fields), or a Masters in Social Work, you’re likely to talk about social enterprise, or community service, goals in your application. For some, this will be your primary objective –...

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Pokémon Go to Graduate School?

By - Aug 12, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

Whether you’ve been a Pokémon devotee since childhood and downloaded Pokémon Go the very first day, or whether you wouldn’t know a Jigglypuff from a Charmander from your housecat, it’s hard to miss the fact that Pokémon Go is a phenomenon. What does it have to...

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And You Thought You Already Loved Our Blog…

By - Aug 11, 09:45 AM   Comments [0]

Well now that you see our brand new look, you can see what true love is really all about! New Blog Day has arrived and we want to know…what do you think?? We’ve worked to make everything clearer and more organized, which in turn will give you...

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Where to Find Good GRE Practice Questions

By - Aug 8, 09:15 AM   Comments [0]

GRE help is out there. Here’s where to look. An important part of preparing for the GRE is practice questions, and lots of them! But where can you find good practice questions for the GRE? Today, we’ll look at a few reputable sources. GRE practice questions from...

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6 Tips for Getting Started on Your Application Essays

By - Aug 7, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Once you BEGIN writing, your brain will begin to generate ideas that will inspire you to CONTINUE writing. Sometimes the hardest part of writing a personal statement or application essay for college or grad school is finding the discipline to sit down and focus. Often, once...

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Introducing Our Newest Accepted Consultant…Philippe Barr

By - Aug 1, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

We are excited to introduce you to Dr. Philippe Barr, our new MBA and graduate school admissions consultant! Philippe has worked for over ten years in higher education, serving as Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies at UNC Chapel Hill and as Assistant Director...

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10 Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

By - Jul 28, 09:00 AM   Comments [0]

Pass these tips on to your recommenders for LORs that impress the admissions officers and ensure that they want to accept you. 10 Tips for Recommenders: 1. Review a copy of the applicant’s personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with–not conflict with...

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