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Should You Apply to Grad School?

By - Apr 4, 09:46 AM   Comments [0]

Know what you are getting into before you dive in! To apply or not apply. That is the question many of you are asking yourselves as admissions deadlines approach. Is it time to go for the MBA? The JD? MD? PhD? Here’s the answer: it depends. It...

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Haas, McCombs, and Case Interviews

By - Mar 30, 09:49 AM   Comments [0]

This week, join us for a discussion about Haas, McCombs, consulting, and case interviews. Meet Erin Robinson, Destin Whitehurst, and Robin Ligon, the team behind Consulting Interview Coach. [0:45] All three have extensive experience in consulting prior to starting their MBAs – Erin and Destin at Deloitte and...

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What to do About a Low GPA

By - Mar 23, 10:39 AM   Comments [0]

This week, join us for a rebroadcast of one of our most popular shows – our discussion of how to address a low GPA. Many applicants are concerned about their undergrad GPAs, and nervous that their GPA might be too low for their target graduate program. If...

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4 Application Strategy Tips: Stand Out AND Fit In

By - Mar 22, 10:02 AM   Comments [0]

Be like a mosaic – different so that it fits in perfectly! It can be confusing: Half of the advice you read urges you to stand out in your application, while the other half advises you to explain how you’ll fit in. So which is it?...

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Make Your MPP Dream a Reality

By - Mar 22, 09:37 AM   Comments [0]

Changing the world is now in your hands! Dreamers look out their window and see an opportunity for improvement, a chance at providing future generations a better tomorrow. Visionaries understand the complex intersection of what is and what could be. While many of us have an...

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5 Things the Adcoms Hate

By - Mar 20, 09:55 AM   Comments [0]

When I was admissions director there were some things applicants would do that were apparently minor, but that I found to be very annoying. Here are my top 5 “hates” that I’m sure are shared by many AdComs: 1. Asking for information that can be easily...

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Two Years After My Harvard MBA

By - Mar 17, 09:54 AM   Comments [0]

Graduation day is fast approaching for business school students, which means most are asking: What’s next? What is my life going to look like after school? Or should I go back and attend more schooling? These were questions I was asking myself two years ago...

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5 Ways to Optimize Your Online Presence Before Submitting Applications

By - Mar 15, 09:41 AM   Comments [0]

Analyze your online presence before the adcoms do! You’ve filled out your entire application, perfected your essays, secured killer recommendations, and written a CV that truly shows off your skills and experiences. You’re ready to submit, right? WRONG! There’s one more thing you need to do, and you should do it NOW,...

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3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays

By - Mar 14, 09:44 AM   Comments [1]

Paint a picture that truly depicts the creative workings of your mind. One of most important pieces of advice I can give you regarding your personal statements and application essays is this: Show, don’t tell. Here are three tips to help you achieve this must-have writing goal: 1....

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Grad School Admissions: When Should You Apply?

By - Feb 28, 11:04 AM   Comments [0]

Goals set? Start now! When is the best time to apply to graduate school? Now: Here’s Why… Here are a few factors that indicate that NOW is the time for you to apply. 1. You have a specific goal that requires a graduate degree, be it an MBA, MD,...

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