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Saving Money on Your Student Loan Debt: The CommonBond Story

By - Feb 24, 11:10 AM   Comments [0]

Today’s show: a conversation for anyone with student loans. We’re talking with CommonBond’s Phil DeGisi about options to save money by refinance outstanding student loans and financing your education, as well as CommonBond’s MBA Accelerator and Social Impact Award and his own MBA experience. Meet Phil...

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6 Tips for Talking About Your Weaknesses

By - Feb 21, 10:53 AM   Comments [0]

Are you prepared to discuss your weaknesses? What do you do when you read/hear the weakness question? Schools are assessing how well you self evaluate. Like a business problem, they want to hear your plan of action, your implementation, and your success rate. Here are some...

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Ask Away at Your Admissions Interview!

By - Feb 11, 11:16 AM   Comments [0]

Ask questions that show you’re attempting to connect the features of the program and your individual goals, needs and interests. An interview works in two directions: The interviewer asks you questions to see if you’d be a good fit for the school in question, and you...

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Magoosh’s Free Practice Questions for the TOEFL

By - Feb 8, 10:23 AM   Comments [0]

Are you preparing for the TOEFL? If so, you know how important it is to practice questions that are similar to those you’ll see on the actual exam. But, it can be hard to find quality (free!) materials to study with. That’s where this resource...

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5 A’s for Your Low GPA [Episode 137]

By - Jan 20, 10:49 AM   Comments [0]

Not proud of your undergrad GPA? Concerned it will hamper your chances of graduate acceptance?  Get ready to find out what to do about it. The 5 A’s for your low GPA: 1. Assess your GPA (2:40) Is it really low? I define a low GPA as one that...

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Quick FAFSA Facts

By - Jan 19, 10:07 AM   Comments [0]

Help them help you by applying! It’s January. The holidays are over, people are working on (or already breaking) their new year’s resolutions… and it’s time to file the FAFSA. Here are a few must-know facts and tips: • The FAFSA is the first step towards qualifying...

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How Not to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

By - Jan 10, 10:19 AM   Comments [0]

Give your recommenders time – a rushed product is not a great product. Your recommenders are doing you a favor, so the least you can do is make their job easier by following proper LOR etiquette. Breaking these important letter of rec rules may result in...

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Resourceful Essay Recycling

By - Jan 8, 10:25 AM   Comments [0]

Don’t just copy and paste (no matter how similar the questions are)! You’re applying to six different schools and each one requires 2-7 essays/personal statements which equals…a whole lot of writing. PROBLEM: How can you draft so many essays and still maintain a fresh and original voice in...

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Should You Apply to a Safety School?

By - Jan 4, 10:19 AM   Comments [0]

Think strategically, play it smart and safe. Many applicants who are targeting top ranked programs wonder if they should consider adding a lower-ranked school to their list as a “safety school.” Should you? And is there such a thing? What is a safety school? A safety school is one...

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Favorites in 2015 at Accepted!

By - Dec 31, 10:14 AM   Comments [0]

What admissions issues were keeping you up at night? Here are the five articles and posts that you were most interested in this past year. Let’s take a look: 1. Boost Your GPA For Medical School Acceptance 2. MBA Admissions A-Z: U is for Undergrad Grades 3. How to...

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