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Applying To Harvard Business School – A How-To Guide

By - Jun 9, 14:13 PM   Comments [0]

If you’re applying to Harvard Business School, then you’ll want to attend Accepted’s upcoming webinar, Get Accepted to Harvard Business School. During the webinar, Linda Abraham, Accepted’s CEO and founder, will discuss important application tips that apply specifically to Harvard’s application, including 4 key steps for HBS...

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Writing The MBA Application Essay

By - Jun 9, 14:11 PM   Comments [0]

"Writing the MBA Application Essay” is the latest post in our series, Navigate the MBA Maze. You’ve decided which schools to apply to, and you even know what you want to write about, but you’re staring at a blank screen…What now?  Follow these three steps to...

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Books To Read Before You Begin Your MBA Application

By - Jun 8, 02:05 AM   Comments [0]

I’m certain everyone knows that before you apply to business schools, it’s a good idea to read The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Economist and Bloomberg-BusinessWeek to familiarize yourself with the jargon and the stories you will be discussing while in school.  I...

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Is Columbia Business School Calling Your Name?

By - Jun 8, 02:03 AM   Comments [0]

The webinar aired live last week and was a huge success, so if you missed it or if you attended and would like to review, then you’ll want to tune in to the online recording for not-to-be-missed advice on how to snag that Columbia acceptance. Don’t...

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MBA Letters Of Recommendation

By - Jun 4, 12:49 PM   Comments [0]

Selecting your recommenders takes a strategy. I like to begin with the basics: Who, When, What, Where, and How. I also like to suggest that you waive your right to access it. The waiver makes the recommendation more credible to the admissions committee. Who: Who are the...

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Top Ranked Part-Time MBAs

By - Jun 4, 12:45 PM   Comments [0]

The U.S. News has released its list of the top-ranked part time MBA programs. Here are the top 10: 1. UC Berkeley (Haas) 2. U Chicago (Booth) 3. Northwestern (Kellogg) 4. NYU (Stern) 5. UCLA (Anderson) 6. U Michigan (Ross) 7 (tie). Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) 7 (tie). U Texas- Austin (McCombs) 9. Ohio State (Fisher) 10 (tie). U Minnesota- Twin Cities (Carlson) 10 (tie). USC (Marshall) For...

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Rosy Outlook For MBA Grads

By - Jun 2, 14:28 PM   Comments [0]

The GMAC 2015 Corporate Recruiters Survey has found a positive hiring climate for new MBAs, with demand increasing worldwide. Some highlights from the report: •  Worldwide, 84 percent of recruiters plan to hire MBA graduates in 2015, up from 74 percent in 2014. •  75 percent of recruiters...

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How To Study For The GRE (Part I)

By - Jun 2, 14:26 PM   Comments [0]

Sitting down to prep—seems pretty obvious what you are going to do. Open up a GRE prep book and start reading. But what exactly does that mean? Do you go through a book sequentially, a page at a time, so that by the end of...

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Recommenders And Recommendations

By - Jun 2, 14:24 PM   Comments [0]

Some applicants have this idea that if they can just get their company CEO, whom they have never met, to write their business school recommendation, then the admissions committee will cower in awe and immediately accept them.  It’s not a new idea; applicants have asked...

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Webinar Available For On-Demand Viewing: How To Fund Your MBA

By - Jun 1, 14:54 PM   Comments [0]

Missed last week’s webinar, How to Pay for Your MBA? Still worried those b-school price tags will get the best of you? No problem. Get the facts you need to finance your business degree when you view How to Pay for Your MBA online now....

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