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How to Get Into Georgetown McDonough’s MBA Program

By - Mar 7, 05:42 AM   Comments [0]

Shortcuts to Key Insights from this Episode An overview of both Georgetown’s MBA programs and the MS in Environmental and Sustainability Management or the ESM. What distinguishes Georgetown’s program in Environment and Sustainability Management from other similar programs. Where graduates of Georgetown’s MBA program and the MS-ESM program...

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Four Tips for Highlighting Your Strengths in Your Application Essays

By - Mar 5, 04:30 AM   Comments [0]

One of the most important pieces of advice you can receive regarding your personal statements and application essays is this: Show, don’t tell.  But you might have been given this advice before and are wondering how to go about it. Let’s dive into how to show...

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Casper, A Situational Judgment Test: All You Need to Know

By - Feb 28, 04:22 AM   Comments [0]

Shortcuts to Key Insights from this Episode How to prepare and practice for the Casper. A detailed explanation on how the subjective test is scored. The most recent development in making Casper more equitable across all demographics. What happens if raters identify a red flag. Will Casper spread to other...

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Welcoming Sadie Polen

By - Feb 28, 04:00 AM   Comments [0]

The Accepted consultant team is thrilled to welcome Sadie Polen, who previously ran highly selective summer programs at Harvard University, where she reviewed more than 1,000 applications a year. Through these programs, Sadie worked with partner individuals and organizations across the public service and political...

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How to Help Your Child Apply Successfully to Graduate School

By - Feb 24, 04:00 AM   Comments [0]

It’s almost spring now, but the next grad school application cycle is looming. Applying to graduate schools can be a highly stressful process. And you as an applicant’s parent naturally want to help them through it, but how can you do so? It’s been decades...

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Proving Character Traits in Your Essays

By - Feb 20, 04:30 AM   Comments [0]

When you write an application essay or statement of purpose, you’re trying to accomplish two equally vital goals at once. First, you need to prove your worthiness for acceptance at your target school. Second, you need to show the adcom that you have the desirable character...

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Resilience: How Flaws and Failures Can Strengthen Your Application

By - Feb 19, 04:30 AM   Comments [0]

A speaker recently told a story about traveling in Asia, where he saw a stunning emerald. Enchanted by the stone’s beauty, he decided to buy it – on the spot. He returned home and took the emerald to a jeweler for appraisal. The jeweler began examining...

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CMU Tepper’s MS in Business Analytics: All You Need to Know

By - Feb 14, 07:43 AM   Comments [0]

Drawing on her knowledge as the Director of Masters Admissions at Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business, Kari Calvario shares everything students should know about CMU Temper’s MS in Business Analytics program. [Show Summary] Welcome to the 510th episode of Admission Straight Talk. Thanks for joining...

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How to Start Your First Draft of an Application Essay

By - Feb 12, 04:30 AM   Comments [0]

Check out all of the blog posts in this series: Identifying the Ingredients of a Winning Essay Finding a Theme for Your Statement of Purpose Writing Your Career Goals Essay How to Start Your First Draft of an Application Essay Revise and Polish Your Application Essays Now that you have...

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What to Do If You’re Rejected from Grad School

By - Feb 4, 04:30 AM   Comments [0]

Rejection hurts, especially if it’s from a school that you really had hoped to attend. Competition is always tough at good schools, and space is limited. Not everyone who is qualified can get in. You can still achieve your dreams by taking this threefold approach: (1)...

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