Author Archive - Admissionado5 Reasons You Should Get a College InternshipYou’ve just finished up your freshman year of college, and you’re looking forward to a break from all things school-related for a bit. While you’ve certainly earned some time off, you could be missing out an opportunity that could pay off in big ways down... Close to Home or Far Away?You’ve gotten accepted to two excellent schools: one is a half hour away from home. The other is across the country. The pros and cons of both are the same in every other way. Now what do you do? How does location factor into which... College Application Planning Tips for High School SophomoresProud of your high GPA and solid extracurricular participation, you watch as freshman year fades into your rearview. The freshly paved sophomore freeway lies ahead, and you’re in the driver’s seat now. To be fair, Mom or Dad’s probably riding shotgun, but that’s only in the... How to Create a Video Essay for Your MBA ApplicationYou sit down at your desk, a cup of coffee in hand and ready to write. You’re all set to author the great American MBA essay, the 500 to 1,200 words that will get you into your dream school, take your career to the next... Leading a Team of Millennials (With Enthusiasm)As of 2015, millennials surpassed Generation X as the largest working cohort, and their presence is fundamentally shifting how business is conducted. While it’s unwise to assume an entire generation thinks the same way (tempting as may seems) one thing is clear: businesses must adapt to... I Got Admitted to GSB and HBS: What Now?Against all odds, you hold an offer from both Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business. And with that, you’ve entered the hallowed ranks of the “double admits,” which, while a straightforward-enough idea, doesn’t quite do justice to the incredible achievement. Not only... How Do We Address Cheating in Remote Education?Imagine, for a moment, that you are about to take the most important test of your life. For some, that might be the SAT. Others, the GMAT. It could be any test from the alphabet soup of career stakes and endless stress. For the purposes... Helping Your High School Student Choose The Best Extracurricular ActivitiesWhat sort of extracurriculars are college admissions committees really looking for? Which ones are right for YOUR child? Here’s why extracurriculars are so important and a few reasons your student might benefit from (and enjoy) the many various activities We all know extracurricular activities are super... Applying to B-School While UnemployedAs the old saying goes: “It’s easier to get a job when you have a job.” With unemployment at an all-time high in the age of COVID-19, and even some of the most impressive professionals forced to deal with lay-offs, furloughs, and downsizing, we’re hearing... |