Author Archive - Gurufi

How to Avoid the Dreaded “Frankenstein Essay”

By - Jan 30, 09:35 AM   Comments [0]

Within 20 seconds of reading a draft personal statement, I can tell whether the author has a clear sense of what they want to say or whether they’ve spent far too much time asking for advice, deep-diving into forums, or otherwise overthinking it. These “Frankenstein...

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Is My Personal Statement Too Long?

By - Jan 27, 14:28 PM   Comments [0]

When it comes to personal statements, less is often more. Though most schools and programs have set word limits, many do not. This uncapped essay creates a temptation to over-write. This is a trap! Keep your essay short and to the point. If your essay...

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How to Choose Between Two Great Programs?

By - Jan 26, 16:41 PM   Comments [0]

When I checked my email this morning, I remembered why this is my favorite time of year! Two of my favorite clients got into their dream schools, and my back-and-forth emails with a client who just found out that he got into Stanford brought a...

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Use the “Hemingway Rules” to Write a Powerful Personal Statement

By - Jan 25, 15:54 PM   Comments [0]

Writing a powerful personal statement can be a genuine challenge for inexperienced writers. They often pile on unnecessary complexity, use fancier-than-needed words, and try too hard to *dazzle* their reader. Don’t do that. The best writing is simple, clear, and direct. It will also feel...

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Graduate Schools Accept Imperfect Candidates All The Time!

By - Jan 25, 15:42 PM   Comments [0]

We all mistakes because we're all human. In my 16 years of working with clients and helping them get into top business schools, one of the most common things I've witnessed is accomplished and smart people who write off their chances at admission into a...

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Ten Tips for Nailing Your Grad School Interview

By - Jan 24, 16:16 PM   Comments [0]

I'm one of those people who enjoy job and academic interviews. I’m weird that way, I guess. I’ve always viewed them as an opportunity to talk about the things I’m passionate about with someone who’s genuinely interested in hearing about my life and perspective. This...

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Getting Your Diversity Statement Right

By - Jan 11, 11:07 AM   Comments [0]

I want to spend a few posts talking about Diversity Statements. Most schools require some version of this, and for many applicants it can be quite confusing in terms of what the prompt is asking for or what you should write in response. I’m going...

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Five Tips for Great Letters of Recommendation

By - Dec 30, 09:07 AM   Comments [0]

Letters of recommendation are hugely important parts of your application. Having a third party assess your skill, talent, experience, accomplishments, potential, and maturity provides admissions committees with valuable data. Unfortunately, because this is an “outsources” part of the application, many applicants aren’t sufficiently thoughtful about...

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Show Passion In Your Personal Statement!

By - Dec 28, 10:10 AM   Comments [0]

People like happy people. People respond passionately to passionate people. That’s why you need to make sure that your Personal Statement has some fire in its belly! It can be helpful to show passion in your MBA personal statement, as it can demonstrate to the...

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Ten Mistakes to Avoid in Your Personal Statement

By - Dec 27, 07:03 AM   Comments [0]

Personal Statements are an unusual form of writing. We’re so rarely called on to write about ourselves, much less boast about our accomplishments. This is doubly difficult for people without a lot of essay-writing experience. As such, it’s natural that people make some pretty basic...

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