GRE® Diagnostic Service - Your report analyzed by the GRE Prep Club
Hi folks
Here we go again with a thorough analysis of a score report. So without further ado, let's dive into it
The following report is for a score of 304 (V152;Q152)
Verbal Section I - Medium levelAttachment:
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- The first 7 questions show me certain confidence going through the questions. The TM is decent even though I believe the very first question that had the lowest level (1) with more than 3 minutes to work on, maybe. reflects the anxiety of the student when the test began. I guess. So far so good
- Next three questions are short passage RC. A failure. All wrong. I believe the short passage could be also CR. However, I remind you that the short passages often are nasty because they do not adhere completely to the long RC standard. They do not have a clear structure. They can be tricky
- 4 correct and two wrong. However, in the two wrong, we can see something to reflect on: one is 3 blank, tough with 1.39 secs BUT the other is 2 blank with over 3 minutes. Both level 4. In my opinion, the first one is a guess and the second he was not able to figure out what is going on otherwise is difficult to explain why the 3 blank (which is more difficult usually) is below 2 minutes and the 2 blank (which usually is easier to grasp even though is still a tough sentence) above 3 minutes. Both picked wrongly.
Probably something to improve in the strategy to read the sentence or to improve the vocabulary. It depends on what type of questions they were: shift, linear, time contrast, etc.
- Last 4 questions SE: to reimplement almost from scratch the study for this section of the test. Nothing to work around.
Verbal Section II - Medium levelAttachment:
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In the RC long and short, first 10 questions I see, again, a certain TM confidence. For example 2nd and 3rd questions both hard./ One correct and one wrong. We should see if they are inference or main idea rather than EXCEPT question. However, with work and diligence I believe we could have good improvements by the student.
TC questions: to work hard on 3 blank , mainly 2 and 3. 1 blank maybe the student is more comfortable because of the length of the sentence.
SE: as in the first section.
Quant Section I - Medium levelAttachment:
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Arithmetic - not so bad but also not so good.
Algebra - In my view work hard on it
Geometry - something good but to work on PS side
DI - to work hard on it. Numeric entry one is wrong and one is omitted (NEVER to omit a question. Pick a number or a choice and move on. Omitted or wrong is the same but this could bring later to a penalty - as we will see in a second)
Quant Section II - Medium levelAttachment:
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The student is comfortable with mid low level of topic but not mid upper. I will explain this in a second because I'll show the average difficulty of the section.
StatisticsV1 - 11 correct, average of difficulty 3.35
V2 - 9 correct, average of difficulty 3.15
Both medium - Total correct questions: 20
Q1 - 9 correct, average of difficulty 2.8
Q2 - 16 correct, average of difficulty 2.35
Both medium - Total correct questions: 25
Verbal score 130+20+2 bonus=152
Quant score 130+25=155
minus 3 points of penalty =152
As you can see, the student did not perform quite well on the first quant section even though it was on average not so hard. This did bring him a second section on average lower than the first one, that's why he nailed 16 questions correctly but one omitted. However, overall, he had a penalty for this low average of 3 points. The student did not exploit to his advantage the fact to have a below-par quant first section. he did poorly, having a second quant section easier even though for the number of questions nailed in the first one, the second is still considered on a medium level
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