GRE® Diagnostic Service is the service provided for FREE by ETS for the GRE exam.
If you are planning to retake GRE® General Test, use the GRE® Diagnostic Service to help you understand your performance on questions in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the test you took. This FREE service includes the types of questions you answered correctly and incorrectly organized by skill area, and the difficulty level and time spent on each question.
Log in to your ETS account to access the GRE Diagnostic Service >
Surprisingly, many students take the GRE but are not aware of this service provided, and, on top of that, they do not know how to interpret and read between the line of their performance during the test. As it turns out, the understanding of our own performance is crucial, pivotal, and immensely useful to refocus our strategy when we have the will to retake and, specifically, to get a higher score.
From that, the consequence is to understand our weakest points and fix where we lag.
The report is literally a gold mine to exploit and leverage to our advantage. Not only that: it is the clear, exact, and in some way brutal, real photography of the student: how he/she worked out, how was his/her time management, he/she knows how to apply to educate guess strategy, etcetera....
So I think is useful to the entire community if we analyze the reports that the students do not know how to read or need some insight to understand clearly that precise moment, what went wrong during the exam and what was good in the end.
So fellows clubbers, asking us to review your reports and we are eager to do so.
Thank you so much
\(1^{st}\) report - The GRE Score in-depth analysis - What we got 09/27/2019 \(2^{nd}\) report - Need advice please 03/02/2021\(3^{rd}\) report - A disastrous Verbal Score Part I 03/02/2021\(4^{th}\) report - A disastrous Verbal Score Part II 03/02/2021\(5^{th}\) report - A GRE Quant 150 score....with room of improvements!!!\(6^{th}\) report - GRE® Diagnostic Service - A score with a huge penalty
\(7^{th}\) report - GRE® Diagnostic Service - A good score with improvements to make
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Michael Longmire