The public intellectual is one who has become elevated to a symbol, a
28 Oct 2024, 13:55
The public intellectual is one who has become elevated to a symbol, a person that stands for something far larger than the discipline from which he or she originated.
A professor , for example, is an important figures for his/her ideas. Therefore he is elevated as a symbol of wise. He or she represents something more than his/her specific field of study or interest
Such an intellectual is often speaking about things beyond his or her area of expertise.
already stated in my previous phrase
Some people will refuse such an invitation, others will accept the opportunity that has been given them.
Some people absorb or incorporate that lessons but other do not. for several reasons.
Such a person must be careful, he must be aware of the limitations of his knowledge, he must acknowledge his personal prejudices because he is being asked to speak for a whole realm of thought, and he must be aware of the huge possible consequences of what he says and writes and does.
However, we have to keep in mind two things
1) His knowledge is limited even though it is vast
2) what the public intellectual says can reverberate for a long time due to its consequences
He has become, in a sense, public property because he represents something large to the public.
He somehow is hostage of the audience he impacts whit his declarations
He has become an idea himself, a human striving.
He can be seen as a concept
He has enormous power to influence and change, and he must wield that power with respect.
he has a lot of power and this power should be administered wisely