Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

BrushMyQuantIf the scale model of a cube sculpture is 0.5 cm per every 1 m of the31-Dec-2024
BrushMyQuantRe: Life expectancy is defined by the formula 2SB/G, where S = shoe size,31-Dec-2024
CarcassStandard Deviation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 414-Oct-2024
CarcassShorter GRE AWA Guide - How many words do I need for the essays?11-Oct-2024
CarcassSpecies interdependence in nature confers many benefits on the species17-Apr-2024
HarishKumarIf f(x) = 2x^4 x^2, what is the value of f(2*3^[1/2])?27-Dec-2023
VibhuAnuragRe: GRE Prep Club Members of the Month06-Dec-2023
CarcassRe: To reduce the number of factory accidents,01-Nov-2023
test01Re: Tom purchased a total of $5000 worth of travelers checks in $50 and $15-Oct-2023
ankitg97Re: Many literary detectives have pored over a great puzzle conc28-Sep-2023
CarcassTypical silt loam soil is comprised of approximately 50 percent soil p20-Sep-2023
CarcassThe following passage is an excerpt from The Role of the Father in Ch16-Sep-2023
Vini1987Re: If 5a + 7b = k, where a and b are positive integers, what is the large14-Sep-2023
CarcassRe: Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble12-Sep-2023
CarcassAfrican American drama has, until recently, been rooted in the mimetic11-Sep-2023
CarcassIn The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald created a protagonist who07-Sep-2023
CarcassPrecipitationin the form of dew in the warmer months and frost05-Sep-2023
CarcassThe ubiquity of jeans across social classes in modern America05-Sep-2023
ankitg97In the Victorian era, critics tended to view the art of the Italian31-Aug-2023
CarcassRecently, scientists studying how the brain interprets expressive gest29-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as re28-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: At the atomic scale, all matter exhibits properties commonly associate28-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: El Nino-Southern Oscillation is a climate pattern that occurs27-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: Although meningitis clone III-1 has caused hundreds of thousands26-Aug-2023
CarcassThe London Board of Trade limited the quantity of pound sterling25-Aug-2023
CarcassThe London Board of Trade limited the quantity of pound sterling25-Aug-2023
CarcassRe: New York stood at the center of the momentous processes that recast Am25-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: Most scholarship regarding the sudden disappearance of the O24-Aug-2023
ankitg97Re: Although multi-organ transplants have become more common, scientists a24-Aug-2023
kpkushalpatelRe: Points P, Q, and R lie in the coordinate plane. If P = (l, 5), Q = (122-Aug-2023

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