Prep Club for GRE

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Carcass owns 37358 Kudos, gave away 26184 Kudos.

vaishnaviyenThe numbers x and y are two repeating decimal numbers. If x10-Feb-2024
vaishnaviyenHow many non-prime integers that lie between 0 and 20 leave either 1 o10-Feb-2024
kiranj200022 percent of X10-Feb-2024
baskdariaAlthough social learning (the acquisition of specific behaviors by obs10-Feb-2024
PravekRe: Partly because of Lees skill at synthesizing (i)_____ trends drawn fr10-Feb-2024
r1smithA survey measures the heights of 900 people, which are found10-Feb-2024
jibankhatriSuppose that |x| < |y + 2| < |z|. Suppose further that y >10-Feb-2024
jibankhatriThe circle graph above shows the distribution of responses to a survey10-Feb-2024
kiranj2000In a group of 200 workers, 10% of the males smoke, and 49% o10-Feb-2024
kiranj2000Four people each roll a fair die once.10-Feb-2024
PravekSo, perhaps the lesson is that rather than wanting their monarchy to (10-Feb-2024
PravekRecent scholarship has questioned the (i)_____ of tropical forests aro10-Feb-2024
PravekPartly because of Lees skill at synthesizing (i)_____ trends drawn fr10-Feb-2024
PravekSome ethicists worry that a deeper understanding of the brain may be t10-Feb-2024
PravekWith many new models and falling prices, the electric car is likely t10-Feb-2024
PravekThe (i) _____ nature of the situation required that the CEO consult he10-Feb-2024
PravekAlthough the (i) _____ system typically can detect only five differen09-Feb-2024
PravekThe historian of ancient science Otto Neugebauer concluded that Babylo09-Feb-2024
PravekWhile the writer was best known for her much-ballyhooed _____, her imp09-Feb-2024
Aari97Re: Remainder when 25! (factorial) is divided by 10^7 VS 2(10^6)09-Feb-2024
Aari97p, q, and r are positive integers p = 3q q = 5r09-Feb-2024
Arjun12A clever form of diplomacy involves subtly inducing the other party to09-Feb-2024
PravekConvinced of the gravity of her poetry, Voigt must have found the revi08-Feb-2024
PravekAlthough it is not uncommon for journalists to portray political inex08-Feb-2024
PravekIt is possible for human to go 40 or more hours without sleep and st08-Feb-2024
PravekThe slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of08-Feb-2024
PravekSeveral studies (i)_____ the assumption that paper cups, because they08-Feb-2024
cyberpvnkIf the tick marks on the number line below are evenly spaced08-Feb-2024
cyberpvnkThe letters C, I, R, C, L, and E can be used to form 6-lette08-Feb-2024
cyberpvnkIf n is a positive integer and n^2 is divisible by 72, then08-Feb-2024

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