Prep Club for GRE

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Carcass owns 37370 Kudos, gave away 26194 Kudos.

Popsickle23The difference between similes and metaphors is subtle, but for the po13-Jul-2023
Subhan1999As the finances of the energy-trading firm began unraveling, what even13-Jul-2023
Popsickle23Although she felt Steve (i)____________ the subtlety of the13-Jul-2023
Popsickle23Companies that give employees the flexibility to (i) their more (ii)13-Jul-2023
Popsickle23America was in its sixth decade of “affirmative action,” the (i)13-Jul-2023
BrianThose who knew Alvarez were immune to his portrayal in the press as a13-Jul-2023
BrianAnticipating the arrival of the baby panda, zookeepers the12-Jul-2023
malu3312A twodigit number is 13 times its digit in the units place.12-Jul-2023
malu3312b and c are negative integers whereas p and q are positive odd integer12-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404The psychological costs of confinement become apparent when certain ca12-Jul-2023
malu331224^n is divisible by 2^1012-Jul-2023
malu3312The average of three numbers if the greatest is 2012-Jul-2023
malu3312Number of prime factors of 20!/10!12-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404She was a radiant figure, but she cast no shadow. Something12-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Despite his insistence to the contrary, the author’s (i) hostility was12-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404While there isnt yet enough evidence to prove that any one food can (12-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404While the modern concept of the robot is often (i) ________ to the Ame12-Jul-2023
greughShorter GRE Vocabulary - All you NEED Words/Study Lists/Resources12-Jul-2023
greughGRE Quantitative FREE Practice Questions - Books Collection12-Jul-2023
meenu29How many positive integers less than 5,000 are multiple12-Jul-2023
Subhan1999Jansens writing strikes many as (i) : for one who is capabl12-Jul-2023
Popsickle23During the 16th century, many food plants native to the Americas, incl12-Jul-2023
meenu29Line k lies in the xy-plane. The x-intercept of line k is a12-Jul-2023
meenu29Suppose that x and y are integers and that 0 < x < y < 10. The tenths12-Jul-2023
meenu29How many one-fourths are in 3/5 of 12 1/2 ?12-Jul-2023
meenu29If n is a positive integer such that the units (ones)12-Jul-2023
piyush05When 12 marbles are added to a rectangular aquarium, the wat12-Jul-2023
GeminiHeatRe: The feminists of revolutionary France were not the only persons hoping12-Jul-2023
piyush05If x > 21/40 then x could be which of the following?12-Jul-2023
NMeemWhen people are told that some behavior is common, they are11-Jul-2023

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