Prep Club for GRE

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LingarajuIf b, c, and h are constants such that x2 + bx + c = (x + h)2, what is25-May-2023
grepreppooThere are 87 balls in a jar. Each ball is painted with at le25-May-2023
grepreppooIf x and y are integers, then25-May-2023
Midhilesh489Re: Zooplankton, tiny animals adapted to an existence in the oce25-May-2023
susheelabhatF is the midpoint of AE, and D is the midpoint of CE. Wh25-May-2023
susheelabhatJames' age is between that of Gwen and Lucille and Is closer25-May-2023
mrtnzllrAlthough she felt Steve (i)____________ the subtlety of the25-May-2023
mrtnzllrThe neglect of the old theater was (i) in the extreme (ii) of the25-May-2023
mrtnzllrThe replacement of human steelworkers with robots has not only made th25-May-2023
mrtnzllrAmerica was in its sixth decade of “affirmative action,” the (i)25-May-2023
susheelabhatIn a store room, one group of staff members fill the store with boxes25-May-2023
susheelabhatAt 9am train X left from station A towards station B at uniform speed25-May-2023
kaustav04The value of study of the arts in American colleges assumes25-May-2023
kaustav04The recent Lowbrow art movement of Los Angeles has inarguabl25-May-2023
kaustav04The leaders of Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution” were a study i25-May-2023
kaustav04The Classical age of Greek culture ended with the defeat of Athens and25-May-2023
nashifRe: GRE Vocabulary Words - WEEKLY24-May-2023
susheelabhatx^2 is divisible by both 40 and 75. If x has exactly three24-May-2023
susheelabhatx, y, and z are integers such that (x + 2)(y— 3)(z + 4) = 0.24-May-2023
BarackObamaAmerica was in its sixth decade of “affirmative action,” the (i)24-May-2023
BrianThe question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one.24-May-2023
SoniasaRe: Although eclectic in her own reponses to the plays she reviewed, the24-May-2023
KA01The origins of the English language can be traced back to the Saxon an24-May-2023
Nayem117Re: While grizzly bears have long, flat, and somewhat blunt claws, black b24-May-2023
susheelabhatThe percentage of milk in 100ml. solution X is twice the percentage of24-May-2023
susheelabhatTwo identical cubes having edges 4 units each are placed adjacent to f24-May-2023
ElenaSimonovaIf 2 x < 1 and 3 y < 3, then which of the following can be the v24-May-2023
susheelabhatIn a mixture having 35% milk and rest water, how many litres of water24-May-2023
Nayem117The modern novel is not only the _____ of the epic, but it h24-May-2023

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