Prep Club for GRE

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tusharkumar2603The graphs y =2x2 and y = 4c2 - 2x2, where c is a positive constant, h16-May-2022
tusharkumar2603The figure shows the graphs of functions f and g, defin16-May-2022
tusharkumar2603A boy walking along a road at 3 kilometers per hour is overtaken by a16-May-2022
NickOPRe: For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Vor15-May-2022
123444Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National In15-May-2022
mbhalla11The frequency distributions shown above represent two groups15-May-2022
mbhalla11For all integers15-May-2022
Faiyaz186Re: A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrant15-May-2022
NickOPRe: When a city experiences a sharp decline in population, the city's tax15-May-2022
123444Shorter GRE Preparing for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure15-May-2022
gaussbonetThe sum of the consecutive integers from 2 to 1315-May-2022
LoserKhingThe new film, though a chronicle of exploitation and15-May-2022
EtamoRe: A Sophie Germain prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +15-May-2022
sbalikondwarGRE Math Essentials - Ratios & Proportions15-May-2022
poornaabhijithUranium is present in seawater at a concentration of 3 parts per billi15-May-2022
poornaabhijithIf m and n are distinct positive integers such that n is15-May-2022
poornaabhijithWhen company X ships a dozen eggs, there is a 3% chance that exactly o15-May-2022
RajatGovilIf it is projected that the population age 55 and over will15-May-2022
Neha1930In the figure AB and CD are two diameters15-May-2022
IshanPathakPR is a diameter of the circle, and QR is tangent to the ci15-May-2022
IshanPathak|x| < 1 and y > 015-May-2022
IshanPathakPolygon SUVNPQ is equilateral and equiangular and TWOR is a15-May-2022
IshanPathakThe area of each of the three circular regions in the figure15-May-2022
IshanPathakThe area of the shaded triangular region in rectangle PQRS15-May-2022
RajatGovilOn 'Saturday of last week, Market X was open for 15 hours an15-May-2022
RajatGovilOver which of the following two-year periods was there the15-May-2022
RajatGovilIf the cost of oil is negligible, what is the mileage (aver15-May-2022
navyak98A weighted coin has a probability p of showing heads. If suc15-May-2022
KevinramachaCritics charge that the regulatory agency, having never defi15-May-2022
navyak98If Clarissa’s monthly mortgage payment is less than15-May-2022

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