Prep Club for GRE

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itsmidhatWhich quadratic equation has roots of 4 and 1/2 ?19-May-2022
poornaabhijith|a| is the distance point a is from the origin on the numbe19-May-2022
ananthsuriQOTD #22 Those who knew the editor as a (i) _________ and18-May-2022
taskforceOG_VPR # 4 Instant celebrity is often (i) _________ as18-May-2022
mbhalla11If x^3y^5 > 0, and x^2z^3 <0, which of the following must be18-May-2022
anigre1Re: QOTD #11 By 1784, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was internationall18-May-2022
kk117Re: Joseph Glatthaars Forged in Battle is not the first excellent study18-May-2022
anigre1A supernova is a brief stellar explosion so luminous that it18-May-2022
anigre1Re: QOTD #6 While new census data reveals that unemployment18-May-2022
mbhalla11In triangle ABC, the measure of angle B is 90°, the length o18-May-2022
ETibebuItem X costs twice as much as item Z, and item Y costs $3 mo18-May-2022
AbaneIf the digits of a two-digit number S are reversed and the number obta18-May-2022
AbaneA two-digit number has tens' digit t and units' digit v. A three-digit18-May-2022
r1smithIn a graduating class of 236 students, 142 took algebra and18-May-2022
tusharkumar2603Amusingly enough, lawyers sometimes drive their sport cars i18-May-2022
parkermcilwain0.8 or 1/2+1/318-May-2022
navdish1998At a dance there are three married couples: Ann and Andy, Betty and Bo18-May-2022
r1smithIf n is an integer divisible by 6 but not by 4, then which o18-May-2022
navdish1998A couple decides to have 4 children. If they succeed in having 4 child18-May-2022
Akshay1713Point C is the midpoint of AB18-May-2022
Akshay1713c and d are positive18-May-2022
Akshay1713The operation # is defined by x#18-May-2022
Subham31There are 9 consecutive integers in a certain sequence. If the average18-May-2022
Akshay1713If A=(22)^518-May-2022
LikhitaA palindrome is a number that reads the same forward and backward. For18-May-2022
IshanPathakThe figure above shows a normal distribution with mean m and18-May-2022
IshanPathakIf 5x^2 has two different prime factors, at most how many di18-May-2022
Subham31An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which each term after18-May-2022
IshanPathakIn the xy -plane above, if the graph above line l is reflect18-May-2022

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