Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Farina owns 357 Kudos, gave away 299 Kudos.

DeepKapoor123Re: Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in25-Nov-2021
Ashrit26Re: 11 X 13 X 17 X 19 X 23 30. A decrease of 1 in which of the13-Nov-2021
SkalraaRe: To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills aro07-Nov-2021
vishnukaviliRe: If rand s are positive integers, each greater than 1, and if24-Oct-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: x=y^3 and y>121-Oct-2021
Divu1112Jennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give20-Oct-2021
FARHANA94Re: Approximately what percent of the new domestic cars sold ret20-Oct-2021
Mahedi12322Re: What is the maximum number of 2-inch by 2-inch by 2-inch sol19-Oct-2021
Muntasir007Re: The sum of the odd/even integers15-Oct-2021
badgeMBARe: Mike, Scott, Jim, Kate, and Pete each have a different numbe02-Oct-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody wo30-Sep-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful d28-Sep-2021
u2017460Re: Airline B s average rating for convenience was approximatel28-Sep-2021
chirag95Re: The sum of the odd/even integers25-Sep-2021
OptimistRe: Fiber X cereal is 55% fiber. Fiber Max cereal is 70% fiber.19-Sep-2021
AbdallahRafiRe: The sum of the odd/even integers19-Sep-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Machine R, working alone at a constant rate, produces x unit09-Sep-2021
KhineMyeKyawS is the set of all prime numbers that satisfy the07-Sep-2021
Annjo1995S is the set of all prime numbers that satisfy the06-Sep-2021
freak47S is the set of all prime numbers that satisfy the05-Sep-2021
AbdallahRafiRe: Approximately what is the total stopping distance, in feet,04-Sep-2021
tahminaA brown flask contains a concoction that is 20% alcohol.31-Aug-2021
surabhipantJennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give31-Aug-2021
koalaRe: Jennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give30-Aug-2021
omii11Re: Fiber X cereal is 55% fiber. Fiber Max cereal is 70% fiber.29-Aug-2021
arjunbirRe: A certain fruit stand sold apples for $0.70 each and bananas23-Aug-2021
shubhi022Re: Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcem15-Aug-2021
TakwaMRe: Jennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give08-Aug-2021
poorvirautRe: B^2+2AD or (A+D)^2-C^206-Aug-2021

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