Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Farina owns 357 Kudos, gave away 299 Kudos.

Sarkar007Re: Fiber X cereal is 55% fiber. Fiber Max cereal is 70% fiber.15-Jun-2022
Amelia44x>0, y>0, z>012-Jun-2022
BabatundeibukunIf Bayern Munich loses fan representation as a percentage of03-Jun-2022
obradforRe: Pat invested a total of $3,000. Part of the money was invest30-May-2022
victoriamichel12Re: In triangle ABC,AB = AC= 2. Which of the following could be22-May-2022
Vidisha2511n is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.20-May-2022
Shakil2496Re: Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in13-May-2022
XavierAlexanderRe: The center of the circle is O08-May-2022
jthor38n is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.06-May-2022
sonoran is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.23-Apr-2022
AjinkyaGupta88Re: Airline B s average rating for convenience was approximatel22-Apr-2022
MirAliRe: If rand s are positive integers, each greater than 1, and if13-Apr-2022
Mario27Re: In the figure below, the rectangular at the corner measures24-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: 11 X 13 X 17 X 19 X 23 30. A decrease of 1 in which of the22-Mar-2022
farukmspFlipping a fair two-sided coin, the probability of getting15-Mar-2022
SumedhGPRe: Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcem17-Feb-2022
aradhya9873ABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC08-Feb-2022
Greprep911Re: If rand s are positive integers, each greater than 1, and if30-Jan-2022
gkuhn1n is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.29-Jan-2022
JitpanuABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC19-Jan-2022
revant19ABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC09-Jan-2022
austinbao143Re: Geologists have long known that the Earth's mantle is hetero24-Dec-2021
rameshchandraABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC21-Dec-2021
rameshchandraRe: ABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC21-Dec-2021
cpequeno93Re: If it is true that the streets and the sidewalks are wet w20-Dec-2021
parthkulkarni998Re: There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old definition o15-Dec-2021
saptadas1809ABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC14-Dec-2021
parthkulkarni998Re: Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful d06-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderJennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give29-Nov-2021
mariagasFlipping a fair two-sided coin, the probability of getting28-Nov-2021

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