Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Farina owns 357 Kudos, gave away 299 Kudos.

MirAliRe: What is the least positive integer that is not a factor of a12-May-2021
Andz13Re: The total stopping distance for the car traveling at 60 mile09-May-2021
khaisevRe: Advanced Quant and Verbal02-May-2021
ArnobRe: Jennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give29-Apr-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills aro27-Apr-2021
ferozqureshiRe: Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful d26-Apr-2021
scottyRe: In the recent past, few central banks would have placed02-Apr-2021
panup98S is the set of all prime numbers that satisfy the23-Mar-2021
Andz13Re: In the xy-plane, line k is a line that does not pass throug23-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaIn the recent past, few central banks would have placed16-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: At Company Y, the ratio of the number of female employees to16-Mar-2021
soniaRe: It would be expected that a novel by a figure16-Mar-2021
RamNisanthRe: When released into the atmosphere, the refrigerant Freon dam16-Mar-2021
logan7849Re: In Gilavia, the number of reported workplace14-Mar-2021
jbbbatisteRe: Jack, Karl, Marc, and Kate are friends. They collected just12-Mar-2021
dreamisbRe: A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 18 percent26-Feb-2021
Rehmat340n is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.25-Feb-2021
haha2021Re: There are a total of 20 dogs and cats at a kennel. If the24-Feb-2021
altdataguyIf x > 0, x^2=2^64, and x^x=2^y, what is the value of y?24-Feb-2021
altdataguy2/x = 2-x / x-224-Feb-2021
jbbbatisteIf Bayern Munich loses fan representation as a percentage of17-Feb-2021
jbbbatiste9x^2=y. x is an integer greater than 0.14-Feb-2021
jbbbatistea^2 = b^2 - 1, b is not equal to 014-Feb-2021
jbbbatisteABCD is a rectangle. If side AB is 8 units long and side BC13-Feb-2021
jbbbatisteIf x - y = 9, which of the following would be sufficient to12-Feb-2021
jbbbatisten is a positive integer and 98^98 is divisible by 7^n.05-Feb-2021
EsfandiarA brown flask contains a concoction that is 20% alcohol.04-Feb-2021
jbbbatisteA brown flask contains a concoction that is 20% alcohol.04-Feb-2021
jbbbatisteJennifer has $400 more than Brian has. If she were to give29-Jan-2021

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