Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

vishvkaneriaPaper lice feed on microscopic spores of a certain fungus that grows p12-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaWhile “give me my livelihood or give me death” could never h12-Mar-2021
logan7849Feelings of hopelessness among medieval workers trapped in the poverty11-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaWith the number of dementia patients now at some 26 million10-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaIn periods when there are more qualified candidates than job10-Mar-2021
AlexandraIn the figure above, lines P and Q are parallel to each othe09-Mar-2021
jjk1997A newly discovered painting on wooden panel by Michelangelo must have09-Mar-2021
victorvatsFeelings of hopelessness among medieval workers trapped in the poverty08-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaSince the new publisher took control, a news magazine’s covers have08-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaFeelings of hopelessness among medieval workers trapped in the poverty08-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaLetter to the editor: Proposition Q, a controversial measure on this08-Mar-2021
CarcassWhat is x − y?08-Mar-2021
CarcassIf c + d = 200, what is a + b?08-Mar-2021
jjk1997Two genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are linked to hereditary breast cancer. Ther08-Mar-2021
jjk1997Paper lice feed on microscopic spores of a certain fungus that grows p08-Mar-2021
bbRe: GRE Prep Club Members of the Month07-Mar-2021
CarcassRe: Editorial: In order to preserve the health of its local economy, Metro07-Mar-2021
CarcassEditorial: In order to preserve the health of its local economy, Metro07-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaScientist: Evolutionary biology has long held that the most attractive07-Mar-2021
vishvkaneriaEditorial: In order to preserve the health of its local economy, Metro07-Mar-2021
jjk1997For-profit colleges serve far fewer students than either public or pri06-Mar-2021
jjk1997The amount of money estimated to be lost by Hollywood studios due to06-Mar-2021
jjk1997Recent studies show that people between the ages of 13 and 55 produce06-Mar-2021
CarcassA circular lawn with a radius of 5 meters is surrounded by a circular05-Mar-2021
CarcassIf angle ABC is 40 degrees (see figure), and the area of the circle is05-Mar-2021
CarcassJane has to paint a cylindrical column that is 14 feet high and that05-Mar-2021
CarcassAC and DE are both diameters of the circle shown below. If the area of05-Mar-2021
CarcassA cylindrical water tank has a diameter of 14 meters and a height of 205-Mar-2021
vidit2280For-profit colleges serve far fewer students than either public or pri05-Mar-2021

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